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Name Role Business unit(s)
Adrienne Assmus Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Joanne Astbury College Advancement Officer
Ian Astley Senior Lecturer in Japanese (retired)
Dr. Martina Astolfi Research Funding Specialist
Courtney Astrom
Ayça Atabey
Ashikin Atan PhD Student
Asli Ates PhD Researcher
Hasan Huseyin Ates
Sophie Atherton Research Fellow
Athin Athinodorou Resident in rabbit & exotic pet medicine
Ragaai M. Atia
Callum Atkins Resident in Veterinary Neurology & Neurosurgery
Katie Atkins Chancellor's Fellow & Reader
Dr Peter Atkins Postdoctoral Fellow in Old Testament and Hebrew Bible
Sarah Atkins Research Ethics & Integrity Administrator
Guy Atkinson PR and Media Manager (MVM)
Thomas Attard
Marek Atter Research Fellow in Health Economics
Professor J Paul Attfield Professor of Materials Science at Extreme Conditions