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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Sonia Tycko Lecturer in the History of Labour
Esther Tyldesley Teaching Fellow in Chinese
Greg Tyler Analyst Developer
Lee Tyrrell-Hendry Second year PhD Student
Evangelos Tzolos
Joost Uding Relationship Manager
Wataru Uegaki Reader
Professor Dusan Uhrin Chair of NMR Spectroscopy
Prof Asier Unciti-Broceta Personal Chair of Medicinal Chemistry - Innovative Therapeutics
Tobias Ungerer PhD Linguistics & English Language
Marzuq Ungogo Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Firuze Unlu Bektas PhD Student
Gurmit Uppal (PhD student)
Jeremy Upton Director of Library and University Collections
Zia Ur-Rehman PhD Student
Didem Kaner Ural Research Grants Administrator - International (All CMVM except The Roslin Institute)
Leah Utyasheva Policy Director
Imelda Uwase
Md Nazim Uzzaman
Francesca Vacante Research Fellow