Elilo Ezung

Thesis title: The Holy Spirit among the Nagas: Contouring Pneumatology in Context


Mth in Christian Theology, Union Biblical Seminary, Pune (India)

BD (Bachelor of Divinity), Union Biblical Seminary, Pune (India)

BA in English Literature, Paktai Christian College (Autonomous), Chumukedima (India)

Responsibilities & affiliations

Post Graduate Representative for SST (Society for the Study of Theology)



Scholars at the Peripheries, Postgraduate Research Group, University of St. Andrews 

Researching Indigenous Studies and Christianity (RISC) Network

American Academy of Religion

Naga Scholars Association

Society for the Study of Theology


Undergraduate teaching

Christian Theology: Approaches and Methods (2021-22 Semester 1)

Research summary

I am interested in Christian theology, Indigenous theologies specifically Tribal Theology of Northeast India and Charismatic studies.

Current research interests

My current Phd research focuses on studying Pneumatology from the context of Naga people in Northeast India.

Affiliated research centres

Conference details

Society for the Study of Theology Conference on "Reconciliation," Newnham College, University of Cambridge: Sept 2021

All India Conference, Scholars at the Peripheries and CSRP, University of St. Andrews: Aug, 2021


Invited speaker

"Spirit in Community: Naga Communitarianism and Pneumatology in Conversation," Lecture at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, Edinburgh (Sept 2022)


SST PG Conference on the theme of 'Hope': Sept 2023 (upcoming)


Yale-Edinburgh Conference 2022, New College, University of Edinburgh, June 2022


Papers delivered

Considering Socio-political factors in Naga Pneumatology: Scholars from the Peripheries, All India Conference, Aug 2021

'Excluded Middle': Reflecting on Spirits in Naga Cosmology: SST PG Conference, Sept 2021