Daniele Falcioni

Teaching Fellow


Daniele Falcioni obtained his Master’s Degree in 'Italian & European Studies at the Sapienza', University of Rome, in 2015, with a dissertation on Girolamo Bartolommei and his "Drammi musicali" (1656). His current PhD research at the University of Edinburgh focuses on the early printed auto-anthologies of opera librettos in Italy (1631-1656). 

In addition to his academic studies, he taught Creative Writing in Italian (2015-21). 

Daniele is also a published poet and writer.


  • Master’s Degree in Language & Literature: Italian & European Studies | 2015, Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Literature, Music & Performing Arts | 2009, Sapienza Università di Roma

Responsibilities & affiliations

  • Course Organiser for Italian 1, Oral for Italian, Foundation Italian Language 2, Guided Socio-Cultural Studies (Italian)
  • Tutor for Italian language courses

Undergraduate teaching

Daniele has also taught Italian language courses at all undergraduate levels and supervised dissertations in Italian.

Research summary

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Project activity

Member of the 'Italian Literature International Observatory': https://site.unibo.it/ilio/en.

Invited speaker

  • Italian Cultural Institute (Edinburgh), October 13, 2023.  Enrico Costa's 'David Rizio' (1872): "volubile è in corte l'onor".
  • Sapienza, University of Rome, May 18, 2023. Dottorato di Italianistica: 'Autoantologie di libretti d'opera nel primo Seicento'.
  • Sapienza, University of Rome, April 16, 2019. Musicologia: 'Verso Metastasio: le prime cinque auto-antologie di melodrammi da leggere (1631-1656)'.


  • University of Edinburgh, February 8, 2021. 'Melanconia e Boito. I monologhi di Amleto, Mefistofele e Jago'.
  • University of Edinburgh, June 26-28, 2019 SIS Biennal Conference: 'Opera as “poesia per musica”: Musical-poetic choices in Seicento Italy' (panel organiser).


  • University of Bologna, June 5-9, 2023. ILIO Summer School: '«La traduzione è l’unica soluzione possibile» (Jhumpa Lahiri)'.
  • University of Bologna, May 12-13, 2022. Italian Literature International Observatory: 'I “Racconti italiani” chiamati a raccolta da Jhumpa Lahiri: una sorta di gioco del rovescio'.
  • University of Edinburgh, June 26-28, 2019. SIS Biennial Conference: 'Tragicomic Melancholy, Poetry and Music in Bartolommei's "Drammi Musicali" (1656)'.
  • Italian Cultural Institute (Edinburgh), October 10, 2018. L’italiano (e le sue varietà) nella rete: problemi descrittivi e aspetti di carattere generale: 'Il laboratorio di social writing Voci nuove'.
  • University of Cambridge (UK), September 20-21, 2018. Intersections: Between Music and Theatre in Seicento Italy: 'Benedetto Ferrari's "Poesie drammatiche" (1644): A Literary Enterprise Within the Musical Theatre'.


  • ‘Poesia e Musica nei “Drammi musicali” di Girolamo Bartolommei. Prime inquisizioni’ (Bollettino di Italianistica, n.s., XV, 2018, 1, pp. 111-19).


  • 'Viaggio a Terminazione' (Rieti: Funambolo, 2022)
  • 'Madam Lou' (Rome: Rapsodia Edizioni, 2015)


  • 'Estinzioni indolori' (Rome: Rapsodia Edizioni, 2020)
  • 'Mani in cui credere' (Rome: Rapsodia Edizioni, 2016)
  • 'Libera espressione' (Rome: Rapsodia Edizioni, 2014)
  • 'Figure umane' (Ardea: Galassia Arte, 2013)
  • 'Macchie lunari' (Ardea: Galassia Arte, 2013)