Carmel Moran (PhD FIPEM FIoP)

Personal Chair of Preclinical Ultrasound

  • Centre for Cardiovascular Science

Contact details



The Queen's Medical Research Institute, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh BioQuarter

Post code
EH16 4TJ

Research summary

The primary focus of my research is  high frequency ultrasound and ultrasonic contrast agents.  In 2008, with Wellcome Trust funding (£516K), I established the preclinical ultrasound imaging facility at the University of Edinburgh and have recently been part of a successful application to the Wellcome Trust to establish a preclinical large animal imaging facility.  Using ultrasound imaging, we can image adult, neonates and embryonic hearts, livers and kidneys and study their structure and blood flow dynamics in real-time.  Additionally using in-house and commerically available ultrasonic contrast agents, we can study the perfusion of organs.  In collaboration with NHS colleagues, I am developing novel high resolution test phantoms for performance assessment of preclincial imaging techniques.