Alexander Weiss |
Honorary Professor |
Sydni Weissgold |
Julie Welburn |
Personal Chair of Mechanistic Cell Biology |
- Wellcome Centre group
- Welburn Lab
Liz Welch |
Director : Finance Transaction Services |
Roy Welensky |
Web Editor |
Emily Welham |
PHD Student |
David Weller |
James Mackenzie Professor of General Practice | Programme Co-Director (Master of Family Medicine) | Co-Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences |
James Wells |
PhD Student |
Jon Wells |
Research Associate, Marsh Lab |
József Wells |
PhD Linguistics & English Language |
Katie Wells |
National Research Coordinator |
- PREVENT Dementia Programme
Jorinde Wels |
Miles Welstead |
PhD Psychology |
Diorbhail Wentworth |
Ryan Wereski |
Clinical Research Fellow |
Cameron Werner |
PhD Student |
Jasmin Wertz |
Lecturer |
Anna West |
Student Adviser |
Professor Charles West |
Professor of Medieval History |
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Gary West |
Personal Chair in Scottish Ethnology, Director of the European Ethnological Research Centre |
- Celtic and Scottish Studies
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures