Labs and facilities
Access a wide range of world class equipment
Lab access
Due to the ongoing reorganisation of research facilities in PPLS, it is essential that any new on-campus research study should contact to confirm that a suitable research room is available.
Admiral's laboratory
Sixteen experiment booths in 7 George Square
Computing labs
Multi-seat computing labs
Cognitive neuroscience suite
Facilities include EEG and fNIRS, non-invasive brain stimulation, eye tracking and motion tracking
Developmental lab
A state-of-the-art facility for infant/child research on the development of language and cognition
Eye tracking analysis laboratories
World class eye tracking facilities both here and at the School of Informatics
Perception laboratory
Four sound-deadened booths for running perceptual and psycholinguistics experiments
Informatics Forum experiment booths
Eight sound-deadened booths for running perceptual and psycholinguistic experiments
Recording studios
A range of acoustically-isolated rooms, including a near-anechoic chamber
PPLS Library
A dedicated library at 7 George Square.