
What our PhD students did next

Our PhD students develop a high level of research skills which enable them to go on to a variety of careers, with many gaining positions in academia

Placement record


Name: Alessandro Barbieri

Thesis Title: The Radical Pluralist Theory of Well-Being

Supervisors: Guy Fletcher, Jennifer Corns (Glasgow), Dave Ward

Examiners: Chris Woodard, Debbie Roberts

Name: Patrick Denning

Thesis Title: Truth Relativism in Metaethics

Supervisors: Guy Fletcher, Mike Ridge

Examiners: Gunnar Bjornsson, Mahrad Almotahari

Name: Chad Stevenson

Thesis Title: Asymmetric Welfarism about Meaning in Life

Supervisors: Guy Fletcher, Michael Cholbi

Examiners: Michael Hauskeller, Filipa Melo Lopes


Name: Antonio Salgado Borge

Thesis Title:

Supervisors: Pauline Phemister, Alexander Douglas

Examiners: Michael Della Rocca, Jennifer Marušić

First Post: Associate Lecturer at University of St Andrews (September 2022-July 2023)

Name: James L. D. Brown

Thesis Title: Expressivism, Normative Content, and Propositions

Supervisors: Matthew Chrisman, Michael Ridge

Examiners: Prof. Mark Schroeder (external), Dr. Brian Rabern (internal)

First Post: British Academy Postdoc at Sheffield University 2021

Name: George Deane

Thesis Title: The shape of subjectivity: An active inference approach to consciousness and altered self-experience

Supervisors: Mark Sprevak, Andy Clark

Examiners: Prof Jakob Hohwy; Dr Dave Ward

First Post: Currently on the job market

Name: Julian Hauser

Thesis Title: Where do I end? Self-models and the representation of our boundaries

Supervisors: Mark Sprevak

Examiners: Prof Mike Wheeler; Dr Dave Ward

First Post: Postdoc at University of Barcelona

Name: Luke Kersten

Thesis Title: Wide computation: A mechanistic account

Supervisor: Mark Sprevak

Examiners: Prof Marcin Miłkowski; Dr Alistair Isaac

First Post: Research Fellow at Ruhr University Bochum

Name: Lilith Wilson Lee

Thesis Title: An Examination of the Problems of False Consciousness

Supervisors: Matthew Chrisman, Ellie Mason, Filipa Melo-Lopes

Examiners: Katharine Jenkins (external), Tommy Curry (internal)

First Post: Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University

Current Post: Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Name: Matt Sims

Thesis Title: A Strong Continuity of Life and Mind: The Free Energy Framework, Predictive Processing, and Ecological Psychology

Supervisors: Dave Ward, Andy Clark

Examiners: Eva Jablonka (external), Alistair Isaac (internal)

First Post: Humboldt Research Fellow at Ruhr University Bochum

Name: Lorenzo Spagnesi

Thesis Title: Kant and the Systematicity of Nature. The Regulative Use of Reason in the Critique of Pure Reason

Supervisor: Michela Massimi

Examiners: Dr Jen Marušić (internal) and Prof. Rachel Zuckert (external)

First Post: Postdoc at University of Trier

Name: Guido Tana

Thesis Title: The Truth of Scepticism. On the Varieties of Epistemological Doubt

Supervisors: Duncan Pritchard, Modesto Gomez Alonso

Examiners: Dr Neil Gascoigne (Royal Holloway London, external), Dr Berislav Maruŝić (internal)

First Post: FCT Post-Doc Fellow, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Current Post: Postdoctoral Researcher, University School of Advanced Studies (IUSS) Pavia, Italy


Name: Yinlin Guan

Thesis Title: Aristotle on Music and Emotions

Supervisors: Dr Inna Kupreeva (Lead), Professor Joachim Gentz (East Asian Studies)

Examiners: External: Professor Richard King (University of Bern, Switzerland), Internal: Dr Curie Virág (Classics)

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (Tsinghua University)

Name: Rie Iizuka

Thesis Title: Bringing Virtue Epistemology down to Earth

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard & Dr Dave Ward

Examiners: External: Dr Alessandra Tannesini, Internal: Dr Aidan McGlynn

Current Post: Postdoc in Philosophy at Kansai University

Name: Franklin Jacoby

Thesis Title: The Hunt for Reality. Perspectives, Models and Plurality in the Physical Sciences

Supervisors: Professor Michela Massimi & Dr Alasdair Richmond

Examiners: External: Professor Sandra Mitchell, Internal: Dr Alistair Isaac

Current Post: Postdoc at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth

Name: Konstantinos Kravvaritis

Thesis Title: The Question of Forms of Artefacts in Plato

Supervisors: Dr Inna Kupreeva (Lead), Professor John Joseph (LEL)

Examiners: External: Professor Malcolm Schofield (University of Cambridge), Internal: Dr Simon Trépanier

First Post: On job market

Name: Yuanyuan Liu

Thesis Title: Creativity East and West

Supervisors: Professor Pauline Phemister; Professor Theodore Scaltsas

Examiners: External: Professor Xiuhua Zhang; Internal: Dr Andrew Mason

Current Post: 3-year Research Fellowship, Philosophy Department, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Name: Becky Millar

Thesis Title: Extending Sensorimotor Enactivism to Flavour and Smell

Supervisors: Dr Dave Ward & Dr Alistair Isaac

Examiners: External: Dr Louise Richardson, Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

Current Post: Postdoc on 'Grief: A Study of Human Emotional Experience' project, University of York

Name: Nina Poth

Thesis Title: Perceptual Categorisation, Bayesian Inference and Psychological Similarity

Supervisors: Dr Mark Sprevak & Dr Alistair Isaac

Examiners: External: Dr Matteo Colombo, Internal: Dr Dave Ward

Current Post: 3-year postdoctoral position, working in the Situated Cognition Group under the lead of Professor Dr Tobias Schlicht at the Department of Philosophy at Ruhr University Bochum


Name: José M. Araya

Thesis Title: Emotion and predictive processing: emotions as perceptions?

Supervisors: Dr Tillman Vierkant and Dr Mark Sprevak

Examiners: External: Professor Philip Gerrans, Intenal: Professor Andy Clark

Current Post: Lecturer in 'Philosophy and Psychology', Universidad de Talca, Department of Psychology (Chile); Lecturer in "Epistemology II", PhD in Human Sciences, Universidad de Talca (Chile); Lecturer in Cognitive Science, IFICC (Chile); Invited Lecturer in Predictive Processing (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali) (Colombia)

Name: Ana-Maria Creţu

Thesis Title: What Good is Realism about Natural Kinds?

Supervisors: Professor Michela Massimi, Dr Alasdair Richmond

Examiners: External: Professor Helen Beebee, Internal: Dr Alistair Isaac

Current Post: Research Assistant on “Perspectival Realism. Science, Knowledge, and Truth from a Human Vantage Point” project, University of Edinburgh

Name: Giada Fratantonio

Thesis Title: Evidential Externalism

Supervisors: Dr Aidan McGlynn, Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Martin Smith

Examiners: External: Professor Clayton Littlejohn, Internal: Professor Matthew Chrisman

Current Post: Postdoc on 'Competence and Success in Epistemology and Beyond' project at the University of Helsinki

Name: Mark Miller

Thesis Title: The Entangled Predictive Brain: Emotion, Prediction and Embodied Cognition

Supervisors: Professor Andy Clark & Dr Mark Sprevak

Examiners: External: Professor Shaun Gallagher, Internal: Dr Dave Ward

First Post: Research Assistant on ERC funded Advanced Grant, Expecting Ourselves

Current Post: Assistant Professor at the University of Hokkaido's Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

Name: Anna Ortín Nadal

Thesis Title: Mental activity in Descartes’ causal-semantic model of sensory perception

Supervisors: Dr Pauline Phemister & Professor Michela Massimi

Examiners: External: Professor Alison Simmons, Internal: Dr Alix Cohen

First Post: Teaching Fellow at the University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Postdoc in Philosophy at the University of Groningen

Name: Eugene Philalithis

Thesis Title: The many Worlds of meaning: A framework for object reference.

Supervisors: Professor Andy Clark, Professor Holly Branigan, Dr Paul Schweizer, Dr Alistair Isaac

Examiners: External: Dr Mike Wheeler, Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

First Post: Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University

Name: Lukas Schwengerer

Thesis Title: A Unified Transparency Account of Self-Knowledge

Supervisors: Dr Aidan McGlynn, Professor Jesper Kallestrup

Examiners: External: Professor Alex Byrne, Internal: Dr Tillmann Vierkant

Current Post: Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen

Name: Kegan Shaw

Thesis Title: Reorienting Epistemological Disjunctivism: A New Proposal: Concerning the Grounds of Perceptual Judgemental Knowledge

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Martin Smith & Dr Aidan McGlynn.

Examiners: External: Professor Ram Neta (UNC, North Carolina), Internal: Professor Jesper Kallestrup (Copenhagen)

Current Post: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Anderson University

Name: Alex Whalen

Thesis Title: Ampliative Understanding

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard & Dr Nick Treanor.

Examiners: External: Professor Kevin Meeker (South Alabama), Internal: Dr Alasdair Richmond

Current Post: Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, University of South Alabama

Name: Ashleigh Watson

Thesis Title: Multisensory Integration, Predictive Coding and the Bayesian Brain

Supervisors: Dr Dave Ward, Dr Suilin Lavelle

Examiners: External: Professor Shaun Gallagher, Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

Current Post: Lay Advisor, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow; On academic job market

Name: Silvan Wittwer

Title: Evolution and the Possibility of Moral Knowledge

Supervisors: Professor Matthew Chrisman (primary), Professor Duncan Pritchard, Professor Geoff Sayre-McCord

Examiners: External: Professor Jamie Dreier, Internal: Dr Debbie Roberts

Current Post: Postdoc at Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Name: Selina Beaugrand

Thesis Title: The Bountiful Mind: Memory, Cognition and Knowledge Acquisition in Plato's Meno

Supervisors: Professor Dory Scaltsas, Professor Duncan Pritchard

Examiners: External: Dr Anna Marmadoro (Oxford), Internal: Dr Andrew Mason

Current Post: On job market

Name: Joe Dewhurst

Thesis Title: From Folk Psychology to Cognitive Ontology

Supervisors: Dr Dave Ward, Dr Suilin Lavelle

Examiners: External: Professor Edouard Machery (Pittsburgh), Professor George Botterill (Sheffield), Internal: Professor Andy Clark

First Post: Teaching Assistant, University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich

Name: Jie Gao

Thesis Title: Belief, Knowledge and Action

Supervisors: Dr Mikkel Gerken, Professor Duncan Pritchard & Dr Allan Hazlett

Examiners: External: Professor Jennifer Nagel (University of Toronto), Internal: Dr Nick Treanor

Current Post: Postdoctoral Researcher (Knowledge-first Virtue Epistemology Project) KU Leuven

Name: Niels Hermannsson

Thesis Title: Plato's Causal Theory of the Nature of Man in The Timaeus 69a6-92c9

Supervisors: Professor Dory Scaltsas, Dr Inna Kupreeva

Current Post: On job market

Name: Jeffrey Johns

Thesis Title: Everlastingness in the Timaeus

Supervisors: Dr Inna Kupreeva (Lead), Dr Alasdair Richmond

Examiners: External: Professor D.N. Sedley (University of Cambridge), Internal: Dr Simon Trépanier

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Barcelona)

Current Post: On job market

Name: Juan Pablo Mira

Thesis Title: Aristotle on Music and Emotions

Supervisors: Dr Inna Kupreeva (Lead), Professor Douglas Cairns (Classics)

Examiners: External: Professor David Konstan (NYU), Internal: Dr Mirko Canevaro (Classics)

Current post: Part-time teaching, on job market

Name: Robert O'Shaughnessy

Thesis Title: A Concept is A Container

Supervisors: Dr Mark Sprevak, Dr Till Vierkant

Examiners: Professor Edouard Machery (Pittsburgh), Professor Andy Clark

Current Post: Did not seek academic employment

Name: Kevin Wallbridge

Thesis Title: Counterfactual Epistemology: In Defence of Sensitivity

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Nick Treanor

Examiners: External: Professor John Greco (Saint Louis), Internal: Dr Martin Smith

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, University of Cyprus

Name: Ju Wang

Thesis Title: Radical Scepticism and Transcendental Arguments

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Adam Carter

Examiners: External: Professor Chenkuo Mi (Soochow); Internal: Professor Dory Scaltsas

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai


Name: Natalie Ashton

Thesis Title: Stratified Epistemic Relativism

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Professor Jesper Kallestrup

Examiners: External: Professor Alessandra Tanesini (University of Cardiff), Internal: Dr Aidan McGlynn

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (The Emergence of Relativism Project), University of Vienna

Name: Sam Baird

Thesis Title: Internalism and the Explanatory Role of Narrow Content

Supervisor: Professor Jesper Kallestrup

Examiners: External: Professor Sarah Sawyer (University of Sussex), Internal: Dr Nick Treanor

Current Post: Non-academic 

Name: Fotini Hamplova

Thesis Title: On What Socrates Hoped to Achieve in the Agora: The Socratic Act of Turning Our Attention to the Truth

Supervisor: Professor Dory Scaltsas

Examiners: External: Professor Sarah Broadie (University of St Andrews), Internal: Dr Andrew Mason

First Post: Lecturer and Tutor (p/t), Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Non-academic

Name: John O'Connor

Thesis Title: A Groundwork for a Distinctively Virtue Ethical Theory: Constitutivist Virtue Ethics

Supervisors: Professor Mike Ridge, Professor Matthew Chrisman

Examiners: External: Professor Roger Crisp (University of Oxford),  Internal: Dr Guy Fletcher

First Posts: Assistant Editor of New Blackfriars (Theology and Philosophy journal published by Wiley-Blackwell); Dominican Friar and Catholic Priest; Honorary Chaplain, University of Edinburgh, Teaching Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Part-time lecturer in Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Glasgow

Name: Anthony Pasqualoni

Thesis Title: Collection and division in Plato's dialogues

Supervisors: Dr Inna Kupreeva (lead), Dr Paul Schweizer, Professor Dana Miller (Fordham)

Examiners: External: Dr Miira Tuominen, University of Jyväskülä (Finland), Internal: Dr Simon Trépanier (Classics)

Current Post: Teaching, part-time (logic and critical thinking), Sacred Heart University (Fairfield CT)

Name: Lee John Whittington

Thesis Title: The Metaphysics of Luck

Supervisors: Dr Allan Hazlett, Professor Duncan Pritchard

Examiners: External: Professor Sabine Roeser (Delft University of Technology), Internal: Dr Aidan McGlynn

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh


Name: Alfred Archer

Thesis Title: Beyond Duty: An Examination and Defence of Supererogation

Supervisors: Dr Elinor Mason, Professor Mike Ridge

Examiners: External: Professor Rae Langton (University of Cambridge), Internal: Dr Guy Fletcher

First Post: Teaching Fellow (fixed term), University of Bristol

Current Post: Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University of Tilburg

Name: Cameron Boult

Thesis Title: Epistemic Responsibility and Radical Scepticism

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Allan Hazlett, Professor Matthew Chrisman

Examiners: External: Professor Ram Neta (University of North Carolina), Internal: Dr Aidan McGlynn

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (Knowledge First Virtue Epistemology Project), University of Leuven

Current Post: Assistant Professor, Brandon University

Name: Hasse Hämäläinen

Thesis Title: Aristotle's Steps to Virtue

Supervisors: Professor Dory Scaltsas, Professor Michael Ridge, Professor Duncan Pritchard

Examiners: External: Professor Carlo Natali (University of Venice), Internal: Dr Andrew Mason

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (The Enlightenment Ideas of Freedom of Thought and Conscience and Contemporary Secularism Project), Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Name: Jessica Miller

Thesis Title: Dignity in the Biotechnological Revolution

Supervisors: Dr Elinor Mason, Professor Matthew Chrisman

Examiners: External: Dr Daniela Cutas (University of Umea), Internal: Dr Guy Fletcher

Current Post: Non-academic

Name: Rachel Phillips

Thesis Title: The Nature and Timing of the Possible Harm of Death

Supervisors: Dr Alasdair Richmond, Professor Duncan Pritchard

Examiners: External: Dr Bob Plant (University of Aberdeen), Internal: Professor Theodore Scaltsas

Current Post: Teaching philosophy (part-time) at local community college

Name: Andrea Polonioli

Thesis title: Towards a Theory of Adaptive Rationality?

Supervisors: Professor Tillmann Vierkant (lead), Professor Michela Massimi

Examiners: External Lisa Bortolotti, Internal Suilin Lavelle

First Post: Postdoctoral fellow, Edelstein Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine, Jerusalem

Current Post: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Birmingham

Name: Christopher Ranalli

Thesis Title: The Possibility of Explaining Perceptual Knowledge: Skepticism and the Metaepistemological Challenge

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Allan Hazlett

Examiners: External: Professor Quassim Cassam (University of Warwick), Internal: Dr Mikkel Gerken

Firat Post: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Philosophical Investigation, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Current Post: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Cologne

Name: Mario Villalobos

Thesis Title: The Biological Roots of Cognition and the Social Origins of Mind

Supervisors: Dr Mark Sprevak, Professor Andy Clark, Dr Dave Ward

Examiners: External: Professor Michael Wheeler (University of Stirling), Internal: Dr Alastair Isaac

Current Post: Lecturer in philosophy and cognitive science, Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile

Name: Lani Watson

Thesis Title: Why Ask: The Epistemology of Questioning

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Professor Holly Branigan, Dr Allan Hazlett

Examiners: External: Dr Ben Kotzee (University of Birmingham), Internal: Professor Sanford Goldberg

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing, University of Oklahoma

Current Post: Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Name: Alan Wilson

Thesis Title: On the Nature and Identity of the Moral Virtues

Supervisors: Dr Elinor Mason (lead) & Professor Matthew Chrisman

Examiners: External: Dr Julia Driver, Internal: Dr Debbie Roberts

First Post: Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, University of Glasgow

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Bristol


Name: David Des Roches-Dueck

Thesis Title: Diamonds and Corkscrews: A Hybrid Account of Realization

Supervisors: Dr Mark Sprevak, Professor Andy Clark

Examiners: External: Dr Carl Gillett (Northern Illinois University), Internal: Dr Alastair Isaac

Current Post: Non-academic

Name: Nicole Hall

Thesis Title: Aesthetic Perception, Nature, and Experience

Supervisors: Dr Dave Ward, Professor Emily Brady

Examiners: External: Dr Elisabeth Schellekens (University of Durham), Internal: Dr Michela Massimi

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris

Name: Dohyoung Kim

Thesis Title: The Nature of Deliberation in Aristotle

Supervisors: Professor Theodore Scaltsas, Dr Andrew Mason

Examiners: External: Professor Vassilis Karasmanis (National Technical University of Athens), Internal: Dr Paul Schweizer

Current Post: Assistant Professor, Catholic Kwandong University

Name: Sebastian Köhler

Thesis Title: Beyond Frege-Geach: Neglected Problems for Expressivism

Supervisors: Professor Matthew Chrisman, Professor Michael Ridge

Examiners: External: Professor Huw Price (University of Cambridge), Internal: Dr Elinor Mason

First Post: Lecturer in Philosophy (fixed-term), Princeton University

Current Post: Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Name: Gabriele Meloni

Thesis Title: Plato on Establishing Poetry as Art

Supervisor: Professor Theodore Scaltsas

Examiners: External: Dr Elisabeth Schellekens (University of Durham), Internal: Dr Andrew Mason

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (Jazz As Open System Music), University of Sassari

Name: Joey Pollock

Thesis Title: Mental Content, Holism, and Communication

Supervisors: Professor Jesper Kallestrup, Dr Matthew Nudds, Dr Anders Schoubye

Examiners: External: Åsa Wikforss (Stockholm University), Internal: Professor Matthew Chrisman

First Post: Lecturer in Philosophy (fixed-term), University of Stirling

Current Post: Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, University of Edinburgh

Name: Francesca Rossi

Thesis Title: Explaining Cognitive Behaviour: A Neurocomputational Perspective

Supervisor: Dr Mark Sprevak

Examiners: External: Dr Jakob Hohwy (Monash University), Internal: Dr Dave Ward

First Post: Knowledge Exchange and Impact Officer, University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Research Fellow, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano

Name: Kyle Scott

Thesis Title: Disagreement and the Rationality of Religious Belief

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Allan Hazlett

Examiners: External: Professor John Greco (St Louis University), Internal: Dr Alasdair Richmond

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (New Models of Religious Understanding), Heythrop College, University of London

Name: Richard Stöckle-Schobel

Thesis Title: Concept Learning Challenged

Supervisors: Dr Mark Sprevak, Dr Tillmann Vierkant

Examiners: External: Professor Robert Goldstone (University of Indiana), Internal: Dr Suilin Lavelle

First Post: Research Assistant (Rational Reasoning with Conditionals and Probabilities: Logical Foundations and Empirical Evaluation), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Current Post: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum

Name: Ashley Taylor

Thesis Title: The Circumstances of Justice: A Reformulation

Supervisors: Professor Michael Ridge, Professor Matthew Chrisman, Dr Vinit Haskar

Examiners: External: Professor Gerald Postema (University of North Carolina), Internal: Dr Debbie Roberts

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Sheffield

Name: Andreas Vakirtzis

Thesis Title: Character Friendship and Moral Development in Aristotle's Ethics

Supervisors: Professor Theodore Scaltsas, Dr Anna Marmodoro, Professor George Anagnostopoulos

Examiners: External: Professor Vassilis Karasmanis (National Technical University of Athens), Internal: Dr Pauline Phemister

Current Post: Temporary Lecturer, Philosophy, University of Cyprus

Name: Lauren Ware

Thesis Title: Plato's Bond of Love: Eros as Participation in Beauty

Supervisors: Professor Theodore Scaltsas, Professor Gerry Santas

Examiners: External: Professor Donald Morrison (Rice University), Internal: Dr Andrew Mason

First Post: Lecturer in Philosophy and Law, University of Stirling

Current Post: Lecturer, University of Kent


Name: Olle Blomberg

Thesis Title: Joint Action Without And Beyond Planning

Supervisors: Dr Tillmann Vierkant, Dr Suilin Lavelle, Professor Andy Clark

Examiners: External: Dr Stephen Butterfill (Warwick), Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen

Current Post: Researcher, Department of Philosophy, Lund University, Sweden

Name: Tony Bolos

Thesis Title: Achievements, Value, and God: An Essay on the Cognitive Success of Religious Knowledge

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Allan Hazlett

Examiners: External: Professor Rene van Woudenberg (VU, Amsterdam), Internal: Professor Theodore Scaltsas

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow, Shalem College, Jerusalem

Current Post: Visiting Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University

Name: Jamie Collin

Thesis Title: A Nominalist's Credo

Supervisors: Dr Jeff Ketland, Dr Jesper Kallestrup

Examiners: External: Dr Mary Leng (York), Internal: Dr Michela Massimi

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (Kant and the Laws of Nature Project), University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Lecturer in Divinity, University of Edinburgh

Name: Elizabeth Ellis

Thesis Title: The Ethics of Economic Sanctions

Supervisors: Dr Campbell Brown, Dr Elizabeth Cripps, Dr Vinit Haksar

Examiners: External: Professor Simon Caney (University of Oxford), Internal: Professor Mike Ridge

Current Post: Teaching Fellow and Consultant in Applied Ethics, Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Center, University of Leeds

Name: Thomas Giourgas

Thesis Title: Well-Being, Education and Unity of the Soul in Plato

Supervisor: Professor Theodore Scaltsas

Examiners: External: Professor Sfendoni Mentzou, Internal: Dr Andrew Mason

Current Post: Teaching philosophy at Doukas School, Athens

Name: Roberto Grasso

Thesis Title: Aristotle’s Theory of Perception

Supervisors: Professor Theodore Scaltsas

Examiners: External: Dr Stasinos Stavrianeas (University of Patras), Internal: Dr Andrew Mason

Current Post: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Universidad Estadual de Campinas, Brazil

Name: Eric Kerr

Thesis Title: Engineering Anti-Individualism: A Case Study in Social Epistemology

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Jesper Kallestrup

Examiners: External: Professor Axel Gelfert (National University of Singapore), Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow, National University of Singapore

Current Post: Lecturer, National University of Singapore

Name: Alisa Mandrigin 

Thesis Title: The Concept of Self: Thinking of Oneself as a Subject of Thought

Supervisors: Dr Matthew Nudds, Dr Tillmann Vierkant 

Examiners: External: Dr Johannes Roessler (University of Warwick), Internal: Dr Jesper Kallestrup 

First Post:Postdoctoral Fellow, LOGOS, University of Barcelona 

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (Rethinking the Senses Project), University of Warwick.

Name: Robin McKenna

Thesis Title: Epistemic Contextualism: A Normative Approach

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Professor Matthew Chrisman, Dr Allan Hazlett

Examiners: External: Professor Mark Richard (Harvard University), Internal: Dr Aidan McGlynn

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (Episteme Research Group), University of Geneva

Current Post: Lecturer (permanent), University of Liverpool

Name: Spyros-Orestis Palermos

Thesis Title: Extending Cognition in Epistemology: Towards an Individualistic Social Epistemology

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Mark Sprevak

Examiners: External: Professor Richard Menary (Macquarie University), Internal: Dr Jesper Kallestrup

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (Extended Knowledge Project), University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, Cardiff University

Name: Shane Ryan

Thesis Title: The Nature and Value of Knowledge: Epistemic Environmentalism

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Jesper Kallestrup

Examiners: External: Professor John Greco (St Louis University), Internal: Dr Nick Treanor

First Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, Kazan State University, Russia

Current Post: Assistant Professor, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

Name: Claudio Salvatore

Thesis Title: Wittgensteinian Epistemology and Cartesian Scepticism

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Allan Hazlett

Examiners: External: Dr Daniele Moyal-Sharrock (Herfordshire), Internal: Professor Jesper Kallestrup

First Post: Teaching Fellow (fixed-term), University of Hertfordshire

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil

Name: Sam Wilkinson

Thesis Title: Monothematic Delusions and the Nature of Belief

Supervisors: Professor Matthew Chrisman, Dr Matthew Nudds

Examiners: External: Professor Lisa Bortolotti (University of Birmingham), Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Durham

Current Post: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (X-Spect project), University of Edinburgh

Name: Diego Zucca

Thesis Title: Defending the Content View of Perceptual Experience

Supervisors: Dr Matthew Nudds, Professor Theodore Scaltsas

Examiners: External: Professor Massimo Dell'Utri (University of Sassari), Internal: Dr Dave Ward

Current Post: Adjunct Professor of Ancient Philosophy, University of Sassari


Name: Ana Barandalla

Thesis Title: Metaethical Constructivism and Treating Others as Ends

Supervisors: Professor Mike Ridge, Dr Elinor Mason

Examiners: External: Professor Carla Bagnoli (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Internal: Dr Allan Hazlett

Current Post: Visiting Lecturer, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, Aga Khan University

Name: Matteo Colombo

Thesis Title: Complying with Norms: A Neurocomputational Exploration

Supervisors: Professor Andy Clark, Dr Peggy Seriès

Examiners: External: Professor Paul Churchland (UCSD), Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Tilburg

Current Post: Assistant Professor Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Tilburg

Name: Peter Fazekas

Thesis Title: Tagging the World: Descrying Consciousness in Cognitive Processes

Supervisors: Dr Jesper Kallestrup, Dr Mark Sprevak

Examiners: External: Dr Tim Bayne (University of Oxford), Internal: Dr Dave Ward

First Post: Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Current Post: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in philosophy and cognitive neuroscience, Aarhus University

Name: Emma Gordon

Thesis Title: Understanding in Contemporary Epistemology

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Jesper Kallestrup

Examiners: External: Dr Stephen Grimm (Fordham University), Internal: Dr Allan Hazlett

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy (Intellectual Humility project), University of Edinburgh

Name: Clare Mac Cumhaill

Thesis Title: Seeing Through

Supervisors: Dr Matt Nudds, Dr Alasdair Richmon

Examiners: External: Dr Matthew Soteriou (Warwick), Internal: Dr Dave War

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (SNF), Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Durham

Name: Mog Stapleton

Thesis Title: Proper Embodiment: The Role of the Body in Affect and Cognition

Supervisors: Professor Andy Clark, Dr Julian Kiverstein

Examiners: External: Professor Tony Chemero (University of Cincinnati), Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

First Post: Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Philosophy, University of Stuttgart

Current Post: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Philosophy, Science and Religion Online project), University of Edinburgh


Name: Evan Butts

Thesis Title: Externalist Epistemology and the Constitution of Cognitive Abilities

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Jesper Kallestrup, Professor Andy Clark

Examiners: External: Professor Sanford Goldberg (Northwestern), Internal: Dr Tillman Vierkant

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy (Episteme Research Group), University of Geneva

Current Post: Senior Lecturer in philosophy, Mercer University (p/t); Adjunct Professor, Gordon State College

Name: Jonas Christensen

Thesis Title: The Problem of Mental Causation

Supervisors: Dr Jesper Kallestrup, Professor Andy Clark

Examiners: External: Professor Jessica Wilson (Toronto), Internal: Dr Campbell Brown

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, University of Aarhus

Current Post: Postdoctoral Fellow (Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation), University of Aarhus.

Name: Liz Irvine

Thesis Title: Consciousness Science: A Science of What?

Supervisors: Professor Andy Clark, Professor Rob McIntosh

Examiners: External: Professor Ned Block (NYU), Internal: Dr Mark Sprevak

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Cognitive Science, Center for Integrative Neuroscience, University of Tubingen

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, Cardiff University

Name: Joseph Kuntz

Thesis Title: Methods and Approaches to Theories of Philosophical Intuitions

Supervisors: Dr Jesper Kallestrup, Professor Duncan Pritchard

Examiners: External: Professor Markus Lammenranta (Helsinki), Internal: Dr Allan Hazlett

First Post: Visiting Researcher, University of Canterbury, Christchurch

Current Post: Non-academic (Research Consultant, IHI Research and Development)

Name: Andreas Paraskevaides

Thesis Title: Social Constraints on Human Agency

Supervisors: Dr Tillmann Vierkant, Professor Andy Clark

Examiners: External: Dr Victoria McGeer (Princeton), Internal: Professor Matthew Chrisman

Current Post: Non-academic (Client  Manager for a translation services company)


Name: Ray Critch

Thesis Title: The Standpoint of the Collective

Supervisors: Professor Mike Ridge, Professor Matthew Chrisman

Examiners: External: Professor Jo Wolff (UCL), Internal: Dr Campbell Brown

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, University of Vienna

Current Post: Instructor in Philosophy, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Name: Christos Kyriacou

Thesis Title: The Epistemic Justification Puzzle

Supervisors: Professor Mike Ridge, Professor Matthew Chrisman

Examiners: External: Professor Klemens Kappel (Copenhagen), Internal: Dr Jesper Kallestrup

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Cyprus


Name: Adam Carter

Thesis Title: The Value of Knowledge and the Problem of Epistemic Luck

Supervisors: Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr Campbell Brown, Professor Matthew Chrisman

Examiners: External: Professor Ernest Sosa (Rutgers), Internal: Dr Jesper Kallestrup

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Epistemology, University of Geneva

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Glasgow

Name: Dave Ward

Thesis Title: An Enactive Account of Visual Experience

Supervisors: Professor Andy Clark, Dr Pepa Toribio

Examiners: External: Professor Mohan Matthen (Toronto), Internal: Dr Tillman Vierkant

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, University of Hertfordshire

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Edinburgh


Name: Ezio Di Nucci

Thesis Title: Mind out of Action

Supervisors: Dr Matthew Nudds, Dr Bill Pollard

Examiners: External: Dr Rowland Stout (UC, Dublin), Internal: Dr Tillman Vierkant

First Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, University College Dublin

Current Post: Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, University of Copenhagen

Name: Conor McHugh

Thesis Title: Self-Knowledge in Consciousness

Supervisors: Dr Matthew Nudds, Dr Jesper Kallestrup

Examiners: External: Professor Quassim Cassam (Cambridge), Internal: Professor Duncan Pritchard

First Post: Postdoctoral Fellow in Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind, Institut Jean-Nicod

Current Post: Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Southampton

Name: Tom Roberts

Thesis Title: Action and Experience

Supervisors: Dr Pepa Toribio, Professor Andy Clark

Examiners: External: Professor Alva Noë (UC, Berkeley), Internal: Dr Jesper Kallestrup

First Post: Lecturer in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Exeter

Name: Edoardo Zamuner

Thesis Title: Knowledge and Self-Knowledge of Emotions

Supervisors: Dr Matthew Nudds, Dr Till Vierkant

Examiners: External: Professor Karen Jones (Melbourne), Internal: Professor Andy Clark

First Post: Welcome Trust Research Associate (5 year post-doc), Institute of Neuroesthetics, UCL

Current Post: Senior Research Fellow in Psychology, the University of Auckland


Name: Anna Marmodoro

Thesis Title: Aristotle on Ontological Dependence

Supervisors: Dr Thomas Johansen, Dr Andrew Mason

Examiners: External: Dr Andros Loizou, Internal: Dr Paul Schweizer

Current Post: Lecturer in Philosophy, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford

We endeavour to make these placement pages as accurate and up-to-date as possible. If you spot an error or omission, please contact Dr Dave Ward.

Dr Dave Ward