School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences

Black Male Studies Professor Delivers Keynote at Philosophy Born of Struggle Conference

Professor Tommy J Curry gave the keynote address "Is Black Male Studies an End?: What Is Left for Philosophy after the Disaggregation of Racist Violence?"

Professor Tommy J. Curry

Philosophy Born of Struggle 2022 is an online conference hosted by Texas State University.

The theme of this year’s conference responded to Frank Wilderson’s claim in Afropessimism that “the narrative of subaltern loss stands on the rubble of Black absence,” and Toni Morrison’s observation in “The Source of Self-Regard” that the heroine of Beloved had an “ability to be and to remain exactly what the institution said she was not.”

As well as providing the keynote, Professor Curry also contributed to the plenary sessions, one of which included a literary analysis of his book The Man-Not.

"Philosophy Born of Struggle (PBOS) convenes a community of scholars who sustain resistance to anti-Blackness and other forms of globalized oppression. We enjoyed Dr. Curry's keynote on the future of Black philosophy and the conference presentations that explored the significance of his path-making philosophical work."

Greg Moses, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy,

Texas State University

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