Linguistics and English Language

Eye tracking analysis laboratories

World class eye tracking facilities both here and at the School of Informatics

Lab access

Due to the ongoing reorganisation of research facilities in PPLS, it is essential that any new on-campus research study should contact to confirm that a suitable research room is available.

Eye tracking

Eye trackers are able to determine where on a computer screen the subject is looking. They are used in Psychology and Psycholinguistics research to help discover the mechanisms of language processing in the brain.

Cognitive Neuroscience Suite

The eye tracking laboratory has a SR Research EyeLink 2000 eye tracker with a Tower Mount. The equipment is available as a resource for all staff within the School who are interested in conducting eye tracking research but who do not have their own equipment, as well as for interested external users. The eye tracker provides monocular eyetracking only. It is located in room B21E in the Psychology Building basement. In addition to this, one of the EEG laboratories within the Cognitive Neuroscience Suite is also equipped with a desk mounted SR Research Eyelink 1000 for simultaneous EEG recording and eye tracking.

Available for use by PPLS staff and students, as well as external researchers. Hands-on training is required.
Support The lab is managed by Ronny Wiegand.
Location B21E, Psychology Building, 7 George Square.

Joint Eye-tracking Lab

The lab is run jointly by School of Informatics and PPLS. Two SR Research EyeLink II head-mounted eye trackers, controlled by customized software.

Available for use by All PPLS staff and postgraduates. PPLS undergraduates and MSC students limited hours, see documentation.
Book via Informatics authenticated booking system. See documentation.
Location B.04, Informatics Forum
Mobility restrictions Anyone testing people with mobility problems requires safety training and 2-3 experimenters on site.
Contact Contact and further information
Documentation Available on the Informatics website

Reading Comprehension Laboratory

One EyeLink 1000 eye tracker, upgraded to 2KHz, with facilities for tower mounted and desk mounted camera position. Custom software for implementing, running and analysing experiments in reading.

Location B21A, Psychology Building, 7 George Square
Available for use by Currently dedicated to research projects
Contact Patrick Sturt