Linguistics and English Language

Sociolinguistics reading group

Reading: Linguistics Volume 55, Issue 5 (Sep 2017). The Sociophonetics of /s/.

Online at

Note: A special two-hour session to discuss all nine of the papers in the recent Linguistics issue above in a general and comparative way:

  1. Levon, Maegaard, Pharao
  2. Eckert
  3. Bekker & Levon
  4. Pharao & Maegaard
  5. Munson, Ryherd, Kemper
  6. Zimman
  7. Li
  8. Holmes-Elliot & Levon
  9. Halonen & Vaattovaara

Further information

This venue is a basement room which does not have open access; if you are not a member of LEL staff or PhD student and you wish to attend this meeting, contact one of the convenors below.


The convenors of this group are Dr Lauren Hall-Lew and Mirjam Eiswirth. 

Lauren Hall-Lew

Mirjam Eiswirth

Dec 04 2017 -

Sociolinguistics reading group

2017-12-04: The Sociophonetics of /s/

Room B.01, Dugald Stewart Building, 3 Charles Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AD