Linguistics and English Language

Meaning and grammar seminar

Speaker: Elizabeth Allyn Smith (University of Quebec at Montreal)

Title: Presupposition variation by embedding environment and its consequences for criminal justice contexts

Abstract: In this talk, I will begin by reviewing some of what we know about presupposition variation, both from my own previous work and that of others. This variation can take many forms, including different projective behavior across different kinds of triggers, different embedding environments, different degrees of at-issueness, etc. I’ll also talk about a paradigm used in psychology to test the effect of presupposition on memory, presenting a semi-replication of the original study for Quebec French as well as some preliminary results for a number of subsequent manipulations exploring the effect that presupposition variation may have on such memory effects. Finally, I will discuss the implications of such data for witness questioning by law enforcement and jury effects of questioning by barristers.


Seminars are organised by the meaning and grammar research group.

Meaning and grammar research group

If you'd like more information on dates and venues this semester, or if you'd like to present, please email Richard Wilson, or subscribe to our mailing list.

Richard Wilson

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May 17 2022 -

Meaning and grammar seminar

2022-05-17: Presupposition variation by embedding environment and its consequences for criminal justice contexts

Room 7.01, Dugald Stewart Building, 3 Charles Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AD