Edinburgh Pathology

Edinburgh Dermatopathology Tutorial

The Edinburgh Dermatopathology Tutorial is an annual 2 day course designed to provide a practical approach to different topics in Dermatopathology, delivered by extensive self-study of a large and varied selection of cases using virtual glass slides.

 Attendees will be invited to view over 60 challenging and instructive cases ahead of the meeting using scanned virtual slides made available through a web server.  The cases will be discussed at the course by our group of internationally renowned tutors. Discussion will be based around the individual diagnosis in the broader context of differential diagnosis. In a relaxed atmosphere participants will be encouraged to participate in the discussion. Electronic copies of all case discussions and lectures will be made available after the course.

The course is suited to Pathologists with an interest in Dermatopathology as well as practising Dermatopathologists and Dermatologists and Pathologists in training preparing for the British Diploma, the International Board Certification and/or the American Board examination in Dermatopathology.

The April 2021 Edinburgh Dermatopathology Tutorial has been canceled.

Dr Thomas Brenn


Contact details



Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Diagnostic & Scientific Centre
9, 3535 Research Road NW

Post Code
T2L 2K8

Kate Britton


Contact details



Usher Institute,
University of Edinburgh
Old Medical School
Teviot Place

Post Code

Date of 2022 course

To be confirmed


To be confirmed

Programme and Fees

£395.00 Tuition Fee

£370.00 Members of the British Society for Dermatopathology (BSD)

£370.00 Pathologists or Dermatologists in Training

ePay is the University of Edinburgh's Online Store which is used to register and pay for the tutorial. Before you can register and pay for the tutorial you need to set up an account on the University of Edinburgh's ePay system. An email will be sent to you once you have successfully registered and paid for the tutorial. If you have not received an email then your tutorial registration has not been successful. Please contact Kate Britton (kbritton@ed.ac.uk) if you have any issues with your registration.