MRC Human Genetics Unit
Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit

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MRC HGU vacancies

Please note that all MRC Human Genetics Unit vacancies are advertised on the University of Edinburgh eRecruitment website, where you can also set up personalised email notifications for future vacancies of interest.

A summary of current vacancies at the MRC Human Genetics Unit and our partner centres within the Institute of Genetics and Cancer is also provided below. Queries can be directed to the contact provided within the job vacancy or email IGC Human Resources:


IGC vacancies


IGMM Nucleus

The MRC Human Genetics Unit is part of the Institue of Genetics and Cancer at the University of Edinburgh. Whether you are interested in taking the next step in your research career or using your technical expertise or other skills to support our world class research you can discover more about our working environment and current vacancies here.


Life at the IGC