Latest news Staff Survey 2025 now open: Have your sayLGBTQ+ History Month eventsSevere weather warning: University buildings reopeningSevere weather warning: University closure, Friday 24 JanuaryVoluntary Severance Scheme now open Suggest a story Do you have a staff news story? Or would you like to contribute to Bulletin Magazine? We want to hear from you. Bulletin magazine Bulletin, the staff magazine for the University of Edinburgh, has gone digital. Court news Updates from court meetings, during which members consider matters of strategic importance to the University. Staff news archive The staff news archive contains all appointments, awards, retirements, obituaries and court news articles. Quick links Follow us on TwitterStudent newsPublic newsCentre for Sport & Exercise newsCampus DevelopmentMyEdJob vacanciesStaff discounts Covid-19 guidance This article was published on 2024-11-12