MRC Human Genetics Unit
Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit

2015 Inglis Award Presented

Congratulations to all the final year PhD students their excellent work and presentations: July 2015

Every year the postgraduate students in the MRC Human Genetics Unit who are entering the final year of their PhD studies are asked to present their work to the Unit.  These presentations are 15 minutes long and the students must provide background to their projects, present the data, summarize their future work and field a number of questions from the audience. 

The Inglis Award is given to the student that has presented the best and most lucid account of their work. 

The Graduate Studies Panel presides and decides on the best presentation and this year the quality was very high.  After much deliberation the Panel decided the prize should be split between two of the students and gave the Inglis Award to Chris Playfoot and Lora Boteva.  Congratulations to all the students for their excellent work.