MRC Human Genetics Unit
Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit

Heart OPT recognised by the BHF (Scotland)

Harris Morrison collects the Communicator of the Year Award from the British Heart Foundation: October 2013

Harris Morrison (MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh) collected the 'Communicator of the year' award from the British Heart Foundation (Scotland) at the Radisson Blu hotel in Edinburgh.

His "Broken Heart" image, captured in collaboration with Gillian Gray and Megan Swim (QMRI/CVS/University of Edinburgh), won the image of the year in the recent Reflections of Research image competition.

The Award, in part, was in recognition of the novel use of OPT imaging to better measure the damage to a heart following a heart attack and the use of 3D images for informing the general public.  

Related Links

British Heart Foundation: Reflections of Research