MRC Human Genetics Unit
Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit

Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium will play key role in UK Euro-BioImaging node

The new node brings together state-of-the-art biological imaging instruments from world class research environments, including the Advanced Imaging Resource facility at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer: October 2022

Macrophage Taken with structured illumination microscope
Structured illumination microscopy image of a macrophage, Alan Egan

The Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC) will join six other sites to form a new UK node for Euro-Bioimaging - a research infrastructure of open access biological and biomedical imaging technologies, training and data services for researchers in the life sciences.

ESRIC is a national microscope facility formed by the Advanced Imaging Resource at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh, and Heriot-Watt University.

Its vast array of advanced imaging platforms as well the expertise, support and training it provides will be instrumental to the internationally-renowned services offered via the Euro-Bioimaging infrastructure.

 The UK node will allow users to access a wide range of technologies including correlative, multimodal, intravital, high-content and super-resolution microscopy for capturing images from molecular to cellular resolutions in single cells to 3D in vitro models and whole organisms.

Node applicants were evaluated by a Scientific Advisory Board of leading international experts for qualities including scientific and technical excellence, European and National significance, quality assurance and user training.

ESRIC is joined by the Francis Crick Institute, OCTOPUS - Harwell Research Complex, Oxford Brookes University, University of Liverpool, University of York and the coordinating site, King's College London.


It is exciting that ESRIC will become part of the UK node of Euro-Bioimaging. Open-access managed facilities with their advanced platforms and their specialist teams of staff are key to the successful application of imaging across scales in biomedical research.

Professor Wendy BickmoreDirector, MRC Human Genetics Unit

We are absolutely delighted to be formally accepted into the Euro-Bioimaging Project as part of the UK node.

Dr Ann WheelerHead of Facility, Advanced Imaging Resource