College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine

MRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)

The MRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA), previously known as Confidence in Concept, is intended to support the translation of fundamental science into new therapies, diagnostics, medical devices and technologies to benefit human health. The fund is part of the UKRI IAA funding programme 2022 - 2026.

Funding remit

The aim of MRC IAA (formerly, MRC Confidence in Concept) funding is to support the translation of fundamental science into new therapies, diagnostics, medical devices and technologies to benefit human health.

Funding should accelerate this transition by establishing the viability of an approach, generating a data package that de-risks the project for future funders, collaborators or investors. 

Projects should address an unmet clinical or healthcare technology need with a clear developmental pathway towards patients and end users. All disease areas and modalities of intervention are eligible (e.g. therapeutics, diagnostics, devices, digital healthcare technologies, healthcare data solutions).  Projects should be milestone led, with clear measurable objectives, requiring active project management for delivery. 

Applicants are strongly encouraged to engage with industrial and clinical partners and mentors to ensure that the proposed project addresses real world needs with workable solutions and a project plan that enables the delivery of confidence in concept.  Projects that include industrial collaboration and partnerships with direct or in-kind funding support are encouraged and will be prioritised for funding.  Please note that IP and results generated during a funded project should reside with the University of Edinburgh.

Projects will be funded in region of £30k-£100k over 6-12 months.  100% of directly incurred and directly allocated costs.


What the funding cannot support

  • entire translational projects; applicants seeking funding for entire projects should consider MRC DPFS or equivalent schemes

  • industrial partner costs
  • administration costs
  • staff between posts or funding (for example, as bridging funds)
  • PhD studentships
  • continuation of academic research grants
  • costs relating to protection of intellectual property
  • purchase of large equipment
  • staff exchange into a spin-out company of the host institution



Lead applicants should be University of Edinburgh investigators (salaried members of UoE staff) with an employment contract for the duration of the award.  Lead applicants will direct and be actively engaged in delivering the proposed project. Collaborative proposals that bring together researchers from different Colleges/Schools or industry partners, although not a requirement, are actively encouraged. Researchers from other institutions may be included in a proposal as a Co-applicant where the nature of the research makes this necessary.  The University of Edinburgh should always be the main beneficiary of the research outcomes e.g. IP, future funding, publications.

Researchers supported on open-ended or fixed-term contracts may apply for grants, and may request funds for their own salary. The Research Councils' conditions of grant awards do not include a requirement to appoint staff on a fixed-term basis. This is a matter for the employer to determine and is not related to eligibility for funding.

Where an applicant is expected to retire during the course of a grant, the proposal must state who will take over responsibility at the point of the grant holder’s retirement.

Individuals may be the Lead Applicant on only one application per MRC IAA application round. However, individuals can act as co-applicants on any number of applications per MRC IAA application round. Please note that the assessment will consider the level of engagement of co-applicants with the research and their capacity to meet these requirements. 

How to apply

Guidance on how to apply for MRC IAA funding, application form and guidelines


Information on the assessment review panel


Reporting requirements for successful award holders

Previous awards

Recently funded projects