College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine

University of Edinburgh consultancy policy

The College's research expertise is much sought after by industry and government to offer specialised consultancy and services.

Consultancy brings many benefits to both the University and the individual through the establishment of links that could be a forerunner to research, provide opportunities for teaching, and generate financial return.

It is University policy that all official consultancies (external and internal) should be undertaken through the University of Edinburgh's commercial liaison company, Edinburgh Innovations - EI). This is intended to protect the University from financial risk, and to ensure consistency of treatment for all staff that may engage in consultancy activity.

If an academic decides to do a consultancy privately, they must bear the following in mind:

  • The academic will not be covered by the University insurance and will need to provide their own insurance cover.
  • No reference must be made to the University of Edinburgh, be it by name, use of e-mail or telephone number whilst carrying out the private consultancy.


Please note that the services are provided by the staff member acting in a personal capacity. The staff member is not, and shall not be deemed to be, acting as agent or employee or representing in any way the University of Edinburgh. Accordingly, you and your company, by accepting the services, (i) acknowledge that the University of Edinburgh has no responsibility or liability for the services and (ii) is deemed to have waived any right or entitlement to pursue or instigate any claim or action against the University of Edinburgh for any injury, loss or damage you or your company may sustain as a result of the staff member undertaking the services for you or your company. EI's Consultancy Office is responsible for the efficient promotion, negotiation and administration of all University consultancy contracts. Information on EI's Consultancy Office services and support can be found on the Edinburgh Innovations website.

Edinburgh Innovations website