College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine

Early career researchers

Information for early career researchers (ECRs) in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

These pages provide advice and resources and useful information to help you plan your onward career.  

Broader information for many issues can be found at the University's Research Staff Hub.

Research Staff hub

Research Culture hub

Career management (IAD)

Prosper portal (Research England funded but open to all)

Read about our flagship programmes for academics and clinicians.

Edinburgh Scientific Academic Track (ESAT) 

Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track (ECAT)

Email the team with queries or ideas

Follow us on Twitter

CMVM Research Staff Committee

Meet your CMVM research staff committee and find out more about how we are improving the ECR culture and opportunities within the College

Preparing for careers in and beyond academia

Advice and information on how to strategically manage your career while in CMVM, fellowship funding routes, and for help with moving on from academia.

Research staff champions

The College has appointed research staff champions to discuss issues relating to your role as an early career researcher.

Post-doctoral societies

Swabirds in sunset
Societies in the College specifically for post-docs.

Edinburgh Scientific Academic Track

Find out more about the Edinburgh Scientific Academic Track (ESAT) scheme, and how the College recruits and mentors future academic leaders.

Edinburgh Career Development Scheme (ECDS)

Bridging funding for postdoctoral researchers to support fellowship applications

Clinical academic career support

Student presents data to her supervisors
The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine is committed to broadening and strengthening its support for early career clinical academics.


Pen drawing a red circle on a calendar
Information on events, symposiums, and seminars for early career researchers.

Health and wellbeing

Resources and services to help support our staff.  

Staff support and help

A BMTO officer between two elephant skeletons
Resources and organisations that can help in the event of a crisis.