PhD studentships for 2014
The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine is one of the oldest centres of its kind in the United Kingdom, yet one of the most dynamic and progressive.
It has a long-held international reputation for excellence in medical and veterinary medical research and teaching. Its approach ranges from molecules to man, from bench to bedside, from process to population, and from 'lab to labrador'. Research within the College explicitly links biomedicine and veterinary medicine, in promotion of the concept 'One Medicine'.
In the most recent UK Research Assessment Exercise (2008), 75% of the College's Research staff were in Units rated 5 or 5*. Clinical Medicine was rated top of 28 UK submissions, while Veterinary Medicine was also placed first among the seven UK clinical veterinary schools.
The University of Edinburgh itself is a leading postgraduate teaching and research centre, ranked 17th in the QS World Rankings 2013/14, 6th in Europe and 5th in the UK.
High calibre graduates are invited to apply for PhD Studentships for September 2014 entry across our world-leading research institutes and centres:
Genomics and Experimental Medicine
Integrative Physiology