Students discover the secrets of the Old Medical School
Year 4 MBChB students enjoy 'A Night at the Museum' hosted by the Medical Teaching Organisation, Professor Gordon Findlater and Iain Campbell.
On a cold dark February evening Year 4 MBChB students were invited to return to the Old Medical School for a special evening event. Over one hundred students welcomed the chance to delve into Edinburgh Medicine’s history whilst also getting a sneak preview of the soon to be launched, 'Edinburgh Anatomical Museum Tour' app.
Virtual tour
Professor Gordon Findlater kicked off the evening by welcoming the students to the historic Anatomy Lecture Theatre. Sitting in seats that their medic predecessors have occupied since the nineteenth century the students were treated to a sneak preview of the Museum's very own app. The ground-breaking three-dimensional app allows visitors to virtually roam amongst century’s worth of medical artefacts housed in all corners of the Anatomy Department.
The real deal
Following a glimpse into the future, the students were divided into groups and invited to delve into the past. Professor Findlater and Iain Campbell guided the groups around areas of the building that are usually hidden behind closed doors. Tours included the catacombs, the skull room and the artist’s flat. During the tours the students completed a ‘fact finding’ quiz as prizes were up for grabs for the most attentive.
Dressed for the occasion
The evening saw some impressive efforts from both staff and students who embraced the opportunity to adopt imaginative and inspired fancy dress outfits. In between the tours and talks the students had time to enjoy a specially designed medical themed cocktail which was shaken to order. A great evening was had by all and following positive feedback, the Medical Teaching Organisation plan to make ‘A Night at the Museum’ an annual student event.