Lecture spotlights medical career path
The University is hosting a lecture to help senior school pupils know more about what a medical career involves.
The talk will take place on Wednesday 27 June at 5:30pm at the Anatomy Lecture Theatre at Teviot and is for prospective students involved in the Pathways to the Professions widening access initiative.
Pupils and their families will hear from two experts who will give valuable insight into the medical profession.
Case studies
David Owens, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, will explain what psychiatry involves and address historical misconceptions about the discipline.
He will also discuss psychiatric disorders and how they are tested.
Following this, Andrew McIntosh, Professor of Biological Psychiatry, will talk about uncovering mechanisms for mental illness.
He will tell pupils about his own research, which uses imaging, genetics and stem cells.
Professor McIntosh will also explain how methods have allowed for disease-modifying treatments and give examples from his own work carried out in Edinburgh.
Widening access
Pathways to the Professions is a project developed by the University’s widening participation department.
It aims to encourage pupils from under-represented schools to consider careers in professions such as law, medicine, veterinary medicine and architecture.
There are 500 pupils involved, ranging from S4 to S6. It is supported by the Sutton Trust, the Brightside Trust and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.
There will be a small reception following the lecture.
We hope that this lecture will be the first of many for those involved in Pathways to the Professions. Psychiatry at Edinburgh has been at the forefront of international research into a range of disorders for more than 30 years, but other specialities will be the focus in the future. We hope to inspire a new generation of clinicians and researchers in Edinburgh.