Division of Psychiatry
The lectures take place from 4-5pm in the small lecture theatre of the Kennedy Tower on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month during semester time.
Special lecture series: January - June 2014
All health professionals and scientific staff are encouraged to attend.
Stress in early psychosis
Speaker is Dr Javier Labad, Early Psychosis Programme, Hospital Universitari Institut Pere Mata, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus, Spain.
Wednesday 15 January 2014, 4.00pm
Wednesday 15 January 2014, 5.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Machine Learning: Concepts and clinical applications
Speaker is Dr Orla Doyle, Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.
Wednesday 5 February 2014, 4.00pm
Wednesday 5 February 2014, 5.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Danish registers and biobanks as tools in psychiatric genetic research
Speaker is Professor Ole Mors, Professor of Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology of Health Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Wednesday 19 February 2014, 4.00pm
Wednesday 19 February 2014, 5.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Methods for comparing an individual patient to a reference sample (without tears)
Speaker is Professor John R Crawford, School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen.
Wednesday 5 March 2014, 4.00pm
Wednesday 5 March 2014, 5.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Brain structural and functional abnormalities predating the onset of psychosis
Speaker is Professor Stefan Borgwardt, Department of Psychiatry, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Wednesday 19 March 2014, 4.00pm
Wednesday 19 March 2014, 5.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Neuropolitics - title tbc
Speaker is Professor Laura Cram, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh.
Wednesday 2 April 2014, 3.00pm
Wednesday 2 April 2014, 4.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Code of the Street
Speaker is Professor Chris Holligan, University of the West of Scotland.
Wednesday 16 April 2014, 3.00pm
Wednesday 16 April 2014, 4.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
From nurse to researcher – how did that happen?
Speaker is Dr Rosie Stenhouse, Lecturer in Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh Medical School.
Wednesday 7 May 2014, 3.00pm
Wednesday 7 May 2014, 4.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Title tbc
Speaker is Professor Alison Yung, Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health, University of Manchester.
Wednesday 21 May 2014, 3.00pm
Wednesday 21 May 2014, 4.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Forgotten priorities: Global health challenges in Africa
Speaker is Dr Liz Grant, Senior Lecturer in Global Health and Development and Deputy Director, Edinburgh International Development Centre Global Health Academy, University of Edinburgh.
Wednesday 4 June 2014, 3.00pm
Wednesday 4 June 2014, 4.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Molecular mechanisms linking brain response to peripheral inflammation
Speaker is Dr Jonathan Cavanagh, Reader in Psychiatry, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow.
Wednesday 18 June 2014, 3.00pm
Wednesday 18 June 2014, 4.00pm
Small lecture theatre, Kennedy Tower, Royal Edinburgh Hospital