Tissue Repair Postgraduate Training Programme

Viva success for Tissue Repair students Sarah Neely and Marta Horcas-Lopez

Tissue Repair students Sarah Neely and Marta Horcas-Lopez have passed their viva

Many congratulations to Sarah Neely and Marta Horcas-Lopez who have successfully passed their viva.


Sarah did her PhD in the lab of Professor DaveLyons at the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, where she worked on elucidating how our brains repair themselves. You can read more about her research in her interview and publications linked below.

'Sarah Neely, in conversation' interview, June 2020

Neely et al. New oligodendrocytes exhibit more abundant and accurate myelin regeneration than those that survive demyelination (2022)

Neely & Lyons. Insights Into Central Nervous System Glial Cell Formation and Function From Zebrafish (2021)

Mylonas et al. Cellular senescence inhibits renal regeneration after injury in mice, with senolytic treatment promoting repair (2021)


Marta did her PhD in the lab of Professor Jeffrey Pollard at the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, where she studied the role of macrophages in liver regeneration and cancer. To explore these mechanisms, Marta has been been using both animal and cell culture models, and cutting-edge cell and molecular biology techniques. Throughout her PhD she has had a number of collaborations to achieve a multi-disciplinary approach to her PhD research. Some of her work is covered in the review and protocol paper on tumor-associated macrophages.

Heideveld et al. Methods for macrophage differentiation and in vitro generation of human tumor associated-like macrophages (2019)