Tissue Repair Postgraduate Training Programme

Congratulations to Jose Meseguer Ripolles on passing his PhD viva voce

Tissue Repair student Jose Meseguer Ripolles passes viva - congratulations on this significant achievement

Viva Dr Meseguer Ripolles
Jose Meseguer Ripolles with supervisor Prof Dave Hay (left) and internal examiner Dr Elaine Emmerson (right).

Jose Meseguer Ripolles did his PhD research in the lab of Prof Dave Hay at the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine.

He worked on the development of reliable methods for growing liver cells in the lab from pluripotent stem cells, in such a way that these liver cells behave very similar to the ones found in the human body. Jose's studies have resulted in protocols that help improve human drug development and the modelling of human disease in a petridish. Moreover, in the future stem cell derived liver cells may provide an alternative to treat human liver failure and disease.

To date, Jose's research has contributed to 10 publications, including 2 first author papers.

Publication list Jose Meseguer Ripolles

Jose is now working as a Postdoctoral Researcher on a collaborative project between the Hay Lab and Novo Nordisk.