Molecular Pathology Node

Partnerships and collaborations

The Edinburgh-St Andrews Molecular Pathology Node is at the interface between academia, industry and the NHS.

These partnerships ensure broad applicability, dovetailing with industry at every stage, and maximise the potential for these innovations to be translated rapidly into routine clinical practice.

Integrating proven strengths

The Edinburgh-St Andrews Molecular Pathology Node integrates the proven strengths of the Universities of Edinburgh and St Andrews in molecular pathology and diagnostics (training, development and clinical implementation), image analysis of complex phenotypes and computing, with the breadth of genome medicine and genome sciences experience available within the Universities and NHS Lothian.

This involves working in partnership with the MRC Human Genetics Unit, the Farr Institute, Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre and EPSRC-funded supercomputer and optical imaging facilities.

MRC Human Genetics Unit

Farr Institute

Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre

Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC)

Edinburgh Super-resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC)

Edinburgh Molecular Imaging


Academia - NHS interface

The Node interfaces between academia and the NHS and, by defining diagnostic standards in collaboration with UK National External Quality Assurance Scheme (UK NEQAS) for Molecular Genetics and Pathology,hosted in Edinburgh by NHS Lothian, can ensure that these innovations are translated rapidly to clinical practice in the NHS.

UK National External Quality Assurance Scheme for Molecular Genetics and Pathology


Industry links

To ensure broad applicability, the Node's activities are dovetailed with industry at every stage: technology development, assay design and implementation, data interpretation and clinical validation. Our industrial partners, Biogen, Illumina, and MRC-Techology, are cutting edge internationally, with common interests in development of genomics for disease diagnosis and stratification.

Illumina and Biogen are global leaders, respectively in genome sequencing and genotype-based trials and therapies, and MRC-T brings UK-wide expertise in diagnostic assay development.

With these partners, we shall carry out clinical trials of assay utility and effectiveness, develop intellectual property and incorporate new genome-based assays into routine clinical practice.

Join us?

Other relevant collaborative partnerships are welcomed. Please contact us if you are interested in collaborating with the Node.

Contact us