Edinburgh Medical School

The selection process

We consider both academic and non-academic qualities.

All candidates who submit their application to UCAS by the 15 October 2024 deadline and meet all academic requirements are entered into the selection process.

As the selection procedure is complex and all the scores compared before a decision is made, there may be a long period between submitting an application and receiving the outcome. Applicants who apply prior to the 15th October 2024 and are invited to our Assessment Days should receive the outcome of their application by the following March.


Assessment Days (Interviews)

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an assessment half-day, during which they will have an opportunity to find out more about studying medicine in Edinburgh, as well as undergoing a series of short interviews. Candidates invited for Assessment Day will be provided with more information about the structure of the day.

Assessments will be based on the core attributes required of medical doctors, outlined in the document from the Medical Schools’ council:

Statement on core values - Medical Schools Council (PDF)



As a condition of full registration as a medical practitioner all medical graduates require, after graduation, to complete a period of further training. This is normally in a hospital environment.

The Admissions Executive is therefore required to be able to predict that applicants will have the physical capability to fulfil the responsibilities of such posts effectively and safely.                                                 

Applicants with disabilities or other health problems are encouraged to seek advice from the University Student Disability Service and the Medical School Student Support Office prior to completing your UCAS application. Further information on our Student Disability and Learning Support Service can be found here: https://www.ed.ac.uk/student-disability-service and you can contact our Medical School Student Support Office here: Med.StudentSupport@ed.ac.uk.

If you have been offered a place to study and have a disability, learning difference or health condition that may impact on your studies, please make contact with the University Student Disability Service and the Medical School Student Support Office before you arrive, to discuss your support needs.

Higher Education Occupational Physicians/Practitioners (HEOPS) have produced a document outlining the fitness standards expected of medical students. You can read this below:


Applicants who are normally entitled to extra time in examinations must contact UCAT directly as they will be required to submit evidence of their entitlement prior to sitting the test itself. 

Access Arrangements - UCAT

Candidates who have been allowed more than 25% extra time in examinations may wish to discuss their support needs with the Student Disability Service before application to ascertain what support arrangements the University could put in place for them, should they enter as a student.


Care-experienced applicants

The University of Edinburgh is committed to supporting care experienced applicants. You can find out more about the University's Care Experience policy and the support we can offer applicants and entrants here:

Successful applicants

Successful applicants will be sent an online offer pack. There are checks offer holders will have to undergo to meet the conditions of the offer. Further information about these checks can be found here:

Feedback, appeals and complaints procedures

Unsuccessful applicants can request feedback, appeal against the outcome of their application or register a complaint. Further information can be found in the University's Admissions Feedback, Appeals and Complaints policy:

Unsuccessful applicants may request feedback on the outcome of their application from the MBChB Admissions Office via the Euclid portal or email.

Requests must be made either by the applicant or with the specific written permission of the applicant.

Feedback will be provided by the Undergraduate Admissions Team and will be based on a review of the application.


We will only consider an appeal if there is either substantial and relevant information that the applicant for good reason was unable to include in the application (this does not include experiences or achievements obtained after the application deadline), or evidence of a procedural error in processing the application.

Appeals will also normally only be considered if the applicant has previously sought and received feedback from the Admissions Team. They will be submitted to the Student Recruitment and Admissions Team.


You can access the general University complaints procedure online here:

The University of Edinburgh Complaints Procedure

This complaints procedure cannot not be used to alter the outcome of an academic decision.