Athena SWAN
Athena SWAN

Athena SWAN Inspiring People 3

On the 20th September 2018 QMRI at Little France was host to the outstanding Athena SWAN Inspiring People 3!

Athena swan speakers

Edinburgh Clinical Medical School Athena SWAN Inspiring People 3



The external speakers were:

  • Professor Sir Jim Smith FRS (Director of Science  at The Wellcome Trust)
  • Prof. Sara Mole  (University College London)
  • Dr James Howie (Founder ASCUS Art and Science)
  • Prof. Candy Rowe (University of Newcastle)


Speakers from with University of Edinburgh shared wonderful talks of their own career stories and experiences of support from CMVM.

All were inspiring and the audience were definitely inspired.

College Registrar Dr. Catherine Elliot introduced the day and Head of CMVM College Prof. Moira Whyte gave the concluding remarks.

The conference was organised by the Athena SWAN Organisational Culture & Support Self-Assessment Team (chair: Julia Dorin), and was supported by the Deaneries of Clinical Sciences and Molecular, Genetic & Population Health Sciences. Thanks to all speakers and chairs (Donald Davidson and Julia Dorin) and the IP3 organisation team (Cathy Abbott, Susan Farrington, Lenka Hrabalkova, Laura Marshall, Carmel Moran, John Mullins, Barbara Stevenson, Sonja Vermeren and Vidya Rajasekaran.

Videos of the keynote lectures and slides are available below.


word cloud














Many thanks to Craig Nicol for the conference photos 


Keynote lectures









Speakers catching ball