English and Scottish Literature

The Carlyle Society

The Carlyle Society celebrates the work and life of Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), Scottish essayist and historian, born in Ecclefechan, and Jane Welsh Carlyle (1801-1866) letter writer, born in Haddington.

Carlyle residence, Comely Bank Terrace, Edinburgh

The Society meets regularly in Edinburgh and runs a series of talks and events. All are welcome.

Unless otherwise indicated on the programme, all meetings are on Saturdays, at 14.15, in the Main Library, University of Edinburgh, on the south side of George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LJ.


Membership details (annual and life) are available on application to the President. Members receive free of charge the annual publications.

Contact us

Please contact us through the Society President, Prof Ian Campbell (Ian.Campbell@ed.ac.uk):

Professor Ian Campbell

Honorary Fellow

  • English Literature
  • School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

Contact details


The Carlyle Society has for years published their Occasional Papers which have gone out to members, many of them overseas.  As a charity, the Society provided these free also to outside parties with an interest in the Carlyles, as well as to libraries in Scotland and overseas.

In recent years the cost of this operation has outstripped the Society’s resources and, opting out of charitable status, the Society has issued its papers electronically.  With a membership slowly growing, it continues to meet six times (sometimes more) per year for papers with as their subjects both Carlyles, their times and their influence, and regularly a non-Carlyle meeting of related interest.  

The University of Edinburgh’s printing department has for many years been the agent of our publication, first in paper form and now in electronic.  We are grateful to Andy Laycock who for many years has turned our files into a publishable form, and who has here gathered the files which survive in his database for people to consult.

The Society continues to show a vigorous life and the Occasional Papers should continue to appear annually,  adding to this unique resource the society continues to grow.

The most recent editions of The Carlyle Society Occasional Papers can be found below: