Michel Butor

Online publications

Links to online publications by Michel Butor on external sites.

Sandia Mountains at sunset, New Mexico, USA
Photo credit: Delfino K Castillo via Getty Images

'[…] d’abord ces seins jaunâtres sortant de la falaise ocre interrompue par le rectangle de ma fenêtre […]'

Où : le Génie du lieu, 2


The poems and prose texts from Michel Butor’s personal website are now to be found on Henri Desoubeaux’s website Dictionnaire Butor.

To access them, go to Dictionnaire Butor and then choose 'enrichi de nombreux textes (#) de l'écrivain' from the options on the homepage.

For essays published on Butor's personal website, see:

See also the extracts and texts published on Raphaël Monticelli’s website Bribes en ligne.