Department of European Languages and Cultures

First Year Language 1/1A (CEFR: B1)

Descriptors providing an indication of the passive and productive abilities of students passing First Year Language 1/1A.

‘Can do’ statements

The following descriptors provide an indication of the passive and productive abilities of students passing this course.

Students passing at grade: Will meet these criteria:
A almost all of the time
B most of the time
C regularly
D some of the time

Listening Comprehension

  • Understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar everyday subjects, provided there is an opportunity to get repetition.
  • Follow clearly spoken, straightforward short talks on familiar topics.
  • Understand simple technical information, such as operating instructions for familiar types of equipment.

Reading Comprehension

  • Understand the main points in straightforward factual texts on subjects of personal or professional interest. Well enough to talk about them afterwards.
  • Find and understand the information I need in brochures, leaflets and other short texts relating to his/her interests.
  • Understand simplified versions of novels, plus stories with a clear structure, with some effort and regular use of a dictionary.
  • Understand private letters about events, feelings and wishes well enough to write back.


  • Start, maintain and close simple face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest, talking in detail about experiences, feelings and reactions.
  • Give or seek personal opinions in an informal discussion with friends, agreeing and disagreeing politely.
  • Find out and pass on uncomplicated factual information.
  • Give short prepared presentations on a very familiar area and answer clear questions.


  • Write short, comprehensible connected texts on familiar subjects, including experiences and events, feelings and reactions.
  • Write a detailed description of an experience, dream or imaginary event, including feelings and reactions.
  • Write messages to friends or colleagues relating news and giving or asking for simple information.
  • Working to a standard format, write very brief reports which pass on routine factual information on matters related to his/her field.