Dashkova Centre

British and Russian media language

Dr Vadim Golubev is a Reader and Head of the Department of English for the Faculty of Journalism, St Petersburg State University. He is the author of over forty papers in Russian and international journals. His research interests include argumentation in the media, the role of media in public diplomacy and propaganda, and translation studies. Dr Golubev has translated two argumentation textbooks from English into Russian.

In his talk Dr Golubev will discuss the Russian translations of British newspaper articles published on the inoSMI.ru website (inoSMI standing for “foreign mass media in Russian”). This service, which is affiliated with the RIA Novosti News Agency and sponsored by the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of Russia, is the most popular online resource for Russian translations of publications in other languages. The range of topics varies, but most of the translated articles are analytical essays written by Western journalists and cover events relating to Russia. Dr Golubev will explore translation approaches used by the website including abridged translation, translation summary and other choices motivated by a political agenda.


British and Russian media language

Dr Vadim Golubev of St Petersburg University will be giving a seminar titled ‘British and Russian media language: cultural and linguistic aspects of English-Russian translation’

The Princess Dashkova Centre
14 Buccleuch Place