Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World

Scottish Muslims in Numbers

‘Scottish Muslims in Numbers: Understanding Scotland’s Muslim population through the 2011 Census’ is a unique new research report written by Alwaleed Centre Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr Khadijah Elshayyal.


Scottish Muslims in Numbers

This report offers a timely analysis of some of the unique demographic trends of  Scotland’s increasingly diverse Muslim communities - trends which have important societal and policy implications for Scotland.

The report takes the 2011 Cenus data as its starting point, comparing the data to that of the 2001 Census in order to isolate demographic trends and trajectories.

This report is intended to compliment the Muslim Council of Britain's 2015 report 'British Muslims in Numbers: A Demographic, Socio-economic and Health profile of Muslims in Britain drawing on the 2011 Census'.

Click HERE to download the MCB's report.

The MCB's 2015 report did not take account of the 2011 Scottish Census data and is therefore relevant only to England and Wales. Dr Elshayyal's report addresses this lacuna and also allows for fascinating, data-driven comparisons to be drawn between Scotland, England and Wales.


Download the full report by clicking on the link below:


If you have any questions about the report, please contact Alwaleed Centre General Manager, Tom Lea: tom.lea@ed.ac.uk.