Colourful Heritage Project
A major community history video project and exhibition celebrating the history of Scotland's South Asian Muslim communitiy.
The Alwaleed Centre is proud to have supported a unique local initiative which captures, on film, the memories and experiences of Scotland’s first generation of Muslims.
The Colourful Heritage project was launched publicly in November 2013 at the City Chambers in Glasgow where a large gathering of project participants and other key stakeholders celebrated the project’s success. Parliamentary launches followed in both the Scottish and UK Parliaments with a related permanent exhibition now on display at Glasgow’s Scotland Street School Museum.
The project continues to grow and develop, with new stories uploaded and new experiences captured year-on-year.
To enjoy the many resources this project has to offer, visit:
The Alwaleed Centre at the University of Edinburgh has been a core partner in realising the success of the Colourful Heritage project. Their engagement with this community-based initiative and positive support has spurred on the team and provided the extra impetus the project needed. It is refreshingly nice to see an academic institution actively engaging and working with a practical community project for Muslims in Scotland.