Institute of Genetics and Cancer

Genetics Society event

Genetics Society event, in collaboration with the IGMM, at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 18-26: August 2018

Genetics society event photo

As President of the Genetics Society, Professor Wendy Bickmore, Director of MRC Human Genetics Unit, initiated a series of Genetics Society centenary events throughout 2019. One of these will be an exhibit at the Chelsea Flower Show 2019 and as part of the development process, some of the ideas for this exhibit are being tested at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. “The mutants in your garden” interactive exhibition uses antirrhinums (snapdragons) to illustrate some principals of genetics, supplemented with genetics-themed drop in activities provided by the Genetics Society and the IGMM. These include activities showcasing research on the genetic basis of human hair colour led by Ian Jackson and Albert Tenesa of the MRC Human Genetics Unit and Roslin Institute. 10 Volunteers from the IGMM, as well 4 volunteers from CRM, CSE and the RSPB are engaging with the public in the Real Life Science Studio within the John Hope Gateway Centre between Saturday 18 and Sunday 26 August, 10am to 5.45pm daily.

Image collage of the Genetics society event