3 IGMM researchers awarded ERC Advanced Grants
Crow, Jackson and Ralston awarded grants to study interferonopathies, brain size and Paget’s disease: April 2018
Three IGMM researchers have been awarded ERC advanced grants. Professor Yanick Crow, of the Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine will further his research into genetic changes leading to type I interferonopathies, monogenic disorders, including Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, where an excess of type I interferon is considered to play a pivotal role in disease pathogenesis. Professor Andrew Jackson will use genomic and organoid approaches to better understand how cell number influences organ and organism size in health and disease, including microcephalic dwarfism resulting in small brain size. Professor Stuart Ralston will extend his work in Paget’s disease which aims to use genetic knowledge to tailor treatments more effectively to improve clinical outcome for patients.
ERC announcement: https://erc.europa.eu/news/erc-awards-its-2017-advanced-grants-269-senior-researchers-europe
Yanick Crow research page