Research Staff Code of Practice - Links

Links to the policies and processes referred to throughout the ‘Code of Practice for the Management and Career Development of Research Staff’.

We have listed these in the order of the key sections in the document, to make it easier for you to find the appropriate link.  There are also links to other useful services within and outwith the University listed at the bottom.


Regulations & Procedures

Research Integrity

Research Culture

Data Management Policy

Research publications

Health and Safety

Student Supervision

Equality and Diversity


Below are a few examples of a couple of funder guidelines, but please remember to check your own funder for specific details

Open Access:

Public Engagement:


Formal Meetings; Training and Development; Career Progression


Career management and development opportunities

Vitae: The Vitae website has a wealth of resources and advice designed specifically for researchers, including careers information, professional development, and research management.

Professional Academic Activities

Useful Services