Institute for Academic Development
Institute for Academic Development

Open workshops

Booking: these events generally open for booking three weeks in advance of the shown date. If you do not see a live booking link please check back nearer the course date.

Cancelling: If you need to cancel your booking, please do so at your earliest opportunity and at least 3 days before the event. Someone else may be able to take your place, but we need time to contact them. Also, although you are not charged for an event, there are costs we incur which relate directly to places reserved.

How to cancel: you can cancel your booking via MyEd. Go to MyEd > News and Events > Training and event booking > My bookings - here you will have the option to cancel your place.

We maintain attendance registers; unexpected absences will be noted. If you consistently fail to attend, or repeatedly cancel with very short notice, you may be prevented from booking future IAD events.

(PGT & PGR) It's About Time... Managing Time, Personal Efficiency and Effectiveness


Time. It’s the one thing noone ever seems to have enough of. It’s our most precious resource and yet we only seem to be happy when we’re wasting it!?  

Sometimes we can control how we spend our time and sometimes it is dictated to us; but in many ways the key to our academic and professional success is how we choose to use the time that we have.  

This focused webinar will provide you with some tools and ideas to help you to: 

• Reflect on your current actions and priorities

• Behave efficiently as well as effectively and so manage your time more productively.

• Prioritize and place your focus in appropriate areas

EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGR students All Postgraduate Researchers PGT
Date Wednesday 16-Oct-2024, 10:00 - 11:30
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT - Part Time) Getting Started Writing Your Dissertation


This workshop is open to all part-time postgraduate taught (PGT) students.

Getting started writing your dissertation can be a daunting task. It can be difficult to get started and really easy to put off! But no-one else can write your dissertation but you… So how do you start, and maintain, writing your dissertation?

This online interactive session will give you practical strategies for thinking about writing, planning your writing and actually starting to write your dissertation.

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific referencing, formatting, or advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Monday 07-Oct-2024, 19:00 - 20:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT - Part Time) Getting Started with Your Dissertation


This workshop is open to all part-time postgraduate taught (PGT) students who are in their final year.

A dissertation is a serious investment of time and energy. It is the defining feature of a Masters so it is worth thinking about what you really want to do with it and what you really want to get out of it.

This online interactive session will give you strategies to start thinking about the subject, focus and structure of your dissertation as well as practical tips for project managing it. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and raise issues.

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific referencing, formatting, or advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 25-Sep-2024, 19:00 - 20:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings If you are eligible, you can Book a place on this course .

(PGT) Assignment Planning


So, you’ve got an assignment due, and naturally you want to do your very best.  While you’ve written assignments before, have you ever stopped to think about how you go about planning them? 

In this session we’ll spend some time thinking about the planning stage.  Even if you already have your own way of going about this, it is always helpful to spend some time reflecting on what is working well and what could be done more efficiently.  This workshop will give you some things to consider.  

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • Assignment specific advice
  • English Language advice 
  • Referencing
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 09-Oct-2024, 11:10 - 12:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 30-Oct-2024, 14:10 - 15:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Assignment Writing


Your aissgnment is due, and even though you’ve done the research, you’re finding it difficult to get started on the writing stage.  Rest assured, this is a very common problem, and it can be overcome. In this session we’ll spend some time thinking about starting to write and how to get words on paper.  Even if you already have your own way of going about this, it is always helpful to spend some time reflecting on what is working well and what could be done differently.  This workshop will give you some things to consider for the writing stage.  

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • Assignment specific advice
  • English Language advice
  • Referencing
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 09-Oct-2024, 13:10 - 14:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 30-Oct-2024, 16:10 - 17:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Being Critical


As a Masters student, you need to be critical… but how? And what exactly does it mean?

This friendly, interactive online workshop will give you some starter ideas on how to take a more critical approach to thinking generally for your masters.

Students are encouraged to ask questions and voice opinions during the workshop.

Students are asked to think about what ‘being critical’ means to them.

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific conventions or advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Thursday 17-Oct-2024, 12:10 - 13:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Being Critical for Assignments


As a masters student, you will have probably been asked to demonstrate critical thinking in your assignments. But what does this mean and how do you do it?

This interactive online workshop will give you some tips and strategies on how to practice and communicate critical thinking in your assignments.

It would be useful for students to have an awareness of their marking criteria and any feedback they have had from previous assignments.

Students are encouraged to comment and ask questions during the workshop.

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityPGT MScT All Colleges All Years
Date Thursday 31-Oct-2024, 19:00 - 20:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Effective Approaches to Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals


This session is suitable for all PGT students who want to develop and enhance their learning strategies for lectures, tutorials and practicals.

Making the most of your lectures, tutorials and practicals is not just about turning up and taking notes, especially at Masters level. It involves preparing before the class, engaging with and then reviewing materials afterward are essential to making the most of your lectures etc.

This friendly and interactive workshop will look at the difference between lectures, tutorials and practicals and how to prepare for them. It will also cover:

  • Note making methods
  • Interaction tips
  • Effective lecture, tutorial, and practical review

This workshop does not include:

  • English Language Advice
  • Subject specific material
  • Designing powerpoints
  • Public speaking
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Thursday 12-Sep-2024, 13:30 - 15:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings If you are eligible, you can Book a place on this course .
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Thursday 19-Sep-2024, 10:00 - 11:30
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings If you are eligible, you can Book a place on this course .

(PGT) Effective Reading


The amount of reading you need to do for a Masters can be overwhelming. There’s a lot of information from a lot of sources that you will need to read, digest and then use to build your argument. Students often want to know how to speed read to get through it all. But is it about reading quicker or reading more effectively? And do you really need to read everything?

This workshop will focus on:

  • Identifying the different purposes of reading
  • Ways to prioritise reading
  • Strategies for effective reading and note making

This workshop does not include:

  • How to search for readings or literature
  • Subject or discipline specific advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Thursday 10-Oct-2024, 16:10 - 17:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Tuesday 29-Oct-2024, 10:00 - 10:50
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Getting Started with Academic Writing


If you find writing a challenge, you are not alone. There are a number of difficulties, but many writers find that their biggest problem is simply getting started.

In this friendly, interactive online session we will introduce some strategies that can help you to get started with your academic writing:

  • Critical reading and thinking
  • An example of clear academic writing
  • Free writing

During this session, there will be some short tasks to complete, so make sure you have some paper and a pen/pencil handy.

EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Tuesday 05-Nov-2024, 18:00 - 19:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Getting Started with Your Dissertation


This workshop is open to all postgraduate taught (PGT) students.

A dissertation is a serious investment of time and energy. It is the defining feature of a Masters so it is worth thinking about what it is you really want to do with it and what you really want to get out of it.

This online interactive session will give you strategies to start thinking about the subject and focus of your dissertation as well as practical tips for project managing it. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and raise issues.

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 11-Dec-2024, 12:10 - 13:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Getting Started with your Masters


Starting a Masters programme can be an exciting but stressful time. You will have to fit a lot of challenging work around your other commitments. This online, interactive workshop will be based on participant responses to the question: What’s the one thing do you want to know about starting your studies but were too afraid to ask? Depending on responses, the workshop may cover:

  • Differences between undergraduate and postgraduate learning environment
  • Academic expectations
  • Getting the most out of your course

Participants are encouraged to ask questions and raise issues they would like to discuss during the workshop. This is a general workshop designed to clue participants into starting their masters studies. It will not be an in-depth workshop on any particular topic(s). The IAD (and some programmes) provide detailed workshops on specific study-related topics later in the semester. Please visit here for a list or our workshops.

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 11-Sep-2024, 19:00 - 20:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings If you are eligible, you can Book a place on this course .
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 18-Sep-2024, 12:10 - 13:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings If you are eligible, you can Book a place on this course .

(PGT) Mini Writing Bootcamp


Are you a taught postgraduate student working on your assignments or dissertation? Or trying to write for publication? Would you like an opportunity to be able to learn some writing techniques, and have create some time to practise them? 

The aim of the ‘writing bootcamp’ is to facilitate a time for you to write without the distractions of emails, Facebook, twitter and everyday life. 

The session will begin with a short Bitesize style workshop to offer advice on writing techniques and motivate you to write. Following this you will have a writing session.  No distractions, just writing. 

Thinking of signing up? You’ll need to do any necessary preparation before attending the mini writing bootcamp (guidance will be sent out prior to the session). 

As places are limited please only book a place if you are able to attend the session in full. 

EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 06-Nov-2024, 10:00 - 11:50
Venue Lister Learning and Teaching Centre Central Area
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 06-Nov-2024, 14:10 - 16:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 27-Nov-2024, 10:00 - 11:50
Venue Lister Learning and Teaching Centre Central Area
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Wednesday 27-Nov-2024, 14:10 - 16:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Pre-arrival 1: Critical Thinking


Please note you will receive an online link to join the session nearer the time via your student email account or your personal account - depending on how you signed up to the workshop.

To support you with your Masters studies for the year ahead, we offer study skills workshops throughout the year. This year we will be offering a set of  online 'pre-arrival' workshops to support you with your studies and skills such as critical thinking, writing at PGT level and getting the best from your library at the University of Edinburgh.

This friendly and interactive workshop is designed to get you thinking about what critical thinking looks like at PGT level. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions.

BookingsThere are currently no events scheduled for this course. Please check back later.

(PGT) Pre-arrival 2: Writing at PGT Level

Please note you will receive an online link to join the session nearer the time via your student email account or your personal account - depending on how you signed up to the workshop.

To support you with your Masters studies for the year ahead, we offer study skills workshops throughout the year. This year we will be offering a set of  online 'pre-arrival' workshops to support you with your studies and skills such as critical thinking, writing at PGT level and getting the best from your library at the University of Edinburgh.

This friendly and interactive session is designed to help you start thinking about writing and PGT level and what this looks like. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions.

BookingsThere are currently no events scheduled for this course. Please check back later.

(PGT) Pre-arrival 3: Getting started with the Library


Please note you will receive an online link to join the session nearer the time via your student email account or your personal account - depending on how you signed up to the workshop.

In this session, we will cover the essentials to help you get the best from the Library at the University of Edinburgh. Academic Support Librarians will be presenting this online session, so please feel free to ask plenty of questions during this friendly and welcoming introduction which will give you a head start in preparation for your course.

Learning outcomes – as a result of this session, you will…

  • Know about the types of materials available in the Library collections
  • Know how to find physical Library locations
  • Understand how to access online Library resources (like ebooks, ejournals, etc.)
  • Know how to use the Library’s DiscoverEd service to find resources you need
  • Know what to do if the Library doesn’t have what you need
  • Know how to get help when you need it
BookingsThere are currently no events scheduled for this course. Please check back later.

(PGT) Pre-arrival 4: Getting ready for your studies


Please note you will receive an online link to join the session nearer the time via your student email account or your personal account - depending on how you signed up to the workshop.

Starting a Masters programme can be an exciting but stressful time, there will be lots of new things and you’ll have to fit a lot of challenging work around your other commitments. This friendly online, interactive workshop will signpost some of the key points to getting a good start in your studies.

 Depending on participants’ priorities, this could include:

  • Differences between undergraduate and postgraduate learning environment
  • Academic expectations
  • Getting the most out of your course

Participants are encouraged to ask questions and raise issues they would like to discuss during the workshop.

This is a general workshop designed to signpost participants to starting their masters studies. It will not be an in-depth workshop on any particular topic(s). The IAD (and some programmes) provide detailed workshops on study-related topics later in the semester.

BookingsThere are currently no events scheduled for this course. Please check back later.

(PGT) Presenting your work!


This highly interactive and fast paced workshop will explore the key skills necessary to help you communicate your research to both academic and non-specialist audiences. We’ll focus on the latest research in communication studies and also explore what connects both online and offline. We’ll watch keynote TED talks and examine why the speakers succeed and what keeps us on the edge of our seats intellectually and emotionally.

As a Masters student and researcher you will need to engage a variety of audiences for a successful career(s).

This workshop will help you:

1. Build your core communication skills and confidence.

2. Prepare you for reviews, seminars and future conference presentations both on and offline.

3. Be a little more challenging, dynamic and engaging.

Finally we’ll help you explore your strengths as a professional presenter and create a short action plan for future presentations.

EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Thursday 17-Oct-2024, 14:10 - 15:30
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Proof Reading


You will be expected to produce significant pieces of academic writing for your Masters e.g. reports, essays and your dissertation! They are a major investment of time and effort, so it is worth spending time polishing it by properly proofreading and editing.

This interactive online session will introduce useful tips and strategies to help you incorporate effective proof-reading and editing into your writing process.

This session will not cover:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice
  • Feedback on individual pieces of work
  • Proof-reading or editing of individual pieces of work

This session will take place via blackboard collaborate (virtual classroom). Booking is required in order to receive the workshop link and further information about how to join the session.

EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Thursday 24-Oct-2024, 12:10 - 13:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Referencing - and how to do it


Most students know that they need to ‘reference’ in their academic work using a particular style. You may even have to use different systems for different courses. But what is it? How do you do it? And when do you do it?

This workshop is for students who are unfamiliar with or would like a basic reminder about referencing. We will look at:

  • What referencing is
  • When to do it
  • How to do it
  • Resources for referencing

This session is informal, friendly and includes discussion, and you are encouraged to ask questions and raise issues. It will include some short practical activities.

This workshop will not cover:

  • OSCOLA/Edinburgh Law Review systems - there is specific support available from the Law School
  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Tuesday 01-Oct-2024, 11:10 - 12:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Speed Reading


In order for academic reading to be effective, it needs to be a combination of efficient (in terms of speed and retention), strategic (in terms of appropriately targeted) and critical.  This focused webinar will give you a number of tools to help you to read more quickly, more strategically and more critically.  

This workshop (and practice afterwards) will help you to increase your speed and effectiveness of reading.  You will learn practical tools to help refine and improve four key areas:  

Strategy – considering your reading strategy and learning some practical ways to improve information selection and absorption 

Speed - Techniques to increase speed of reading, and applying these with more dense and difficult material 

Criticism – Acquiring methods and questions to improve your critical reading strategies 

Consistency – Discover how to build consistent reading habits that will improve your efficiency, retention and recall.


There will a small amount of pre- coursework sent to you around two weeks before the course.  This will not take long and is nothing that you should not naturally be doing anyway.

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice


Facilitator - Steve Hutchinson

EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Monday 14-Oct-2024, 15:00 - 16:30
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(PGT) Working Effectively Around Your Life


A Masters programme is an intensive and demanding period. You have to fit a lot of challenging work in around your life, your work, your family etc. and try to keep the momentum going.

This online, interactive workshop aims to give you practical tips and strategies to working effectively during your masters.

Participants are encouraged to ask questions and raise issues they would like to discuss.


Participants are asked to think of their main challenges when it comes to time management – and be prepared to tackle it!

This workshop does not include:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT
Date Tuesday 15-Oct-2024, 13:10 - 14:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(UG and PGT) Managing Your Exams: Effective Revision Techniques


When it comes to effective revision, what works and what doesn’t? This online workshop will focus on revision techniques that have been demonstrated to be effective and how you can use and adapt your current habits to incorporate them.  

This session is informal, friendly and includes discussion in a supportive atmosphere.  You are encouraged to ask questions and raise issues.

This workshop will not cover:

  • Subject or discipline-specific examination formats
  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice
  • Referencing
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT UG
Date Tuesday 19-Nov-2024, 12:10 - 13:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(UG and PGT) Managing Your Exams: Essays in Exams


Are you prepared for your exams?  Do you want to improve your writing under pressure?  This trouble-shooting session will help you develop strategies to write more effective long answers in your exams.

This workshop will focus on:

  • Strategies to practise during revision and to use in exams;
  • Writing under pressure;
  • Ways to break down questions;
  • Answer planning techniques.

This session for undergraduates and taught postgraduates is informal and friendly. You are encouraged to ask questions and raise issues in a supportive atmosphere.

This workshop will not cover:

  • Subject or discipline-specific advice
  • English Language advice
  • Referencing
EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years PGT UG
Date Wednesday 27-Nov-2024, 13:10 - 14:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(UG and PGT) Managing Your Exams: Strategies and Tips


This online workshop will be an hour session focusing on how to manage your exams by improving your exam technique.

The session will focus on issues raised by participants and so could cover, for example, exam preparation and participation; i.e. how to cope with stress, practicing your exam technique and a review of exam strategies.

This session is suitable for any taught student who wants to improve their exam technique.

EligibilityMScT All Colleges All Years UG
Date Wednesday 04-Dec-2024, 12:10 - 13:00
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.

(UG and PGT) Starting to Think about Dissertations and Projects


Moving from essays and assignments to larger based project work such as dissertations can often feel like a step into the unknown. This workshop will help to clarify dissertation/project expectations and provide practical strategies that you can use to optimise your dissertation experience. Specifically it will cover:

What does a dissertation/project look like?

How do I choose a topic?

How do I write a literature review?

How do I bring everything together into a coherent thesis?

This session will not cover:

Subject or discipline-specific advice

English Language advice

EligibilityPGT UG
Date Tuesday 29-Oct-2024, 17:15 - 18:45
Venue Online (via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) Off Campus
Bookings This event is not yet open for booking. Please check back later.