Using the Careers Service

Information and advice about the academic job search

Speaking to someone

Postgraduate students can speak to a Careers Consultant by booking a confidential appointment. These sessions are directed by you and your needs, some examples of common queries include:

  • discussion of career options
  • job search strategies
  • feedback on job applications / CVs or a LinkedIn profile
  • practice job interviews

Find out how to book an appointment here:

Researching careers

The Careers Service provides access to a huge amount of information about occupations, industries and employers. This is particularly valuable if you are interested in researching options beyond academic research.

Career planning

The Careers Service website has guidance on career planning and links to career planning tools. These help you to identify your interests and generate career ideas.

Looking for work

The Careers Service can also help you with finding jobs - whether part time work during your PhD, or permanent jobs after you have graduated.