Improving the mathematics diagnostic test

Improving the mathematics diagnostic test

Team Members:  George Kinnear, Chris Sangwin, Toby Bailey

School: Mathematics


The Mathematics Diagnostic Test has been in use at the University of Edinburgh since 2011, and each year it is taken online by c.1000 new students who are enrolled in courses taught by the School of Mathematics. This project will study the performance of the test, identify and implement improvements, then reevaluate the new version of the test.

The project is precipitated by the School of Mathematics moving to use the STACK online assessment system, developed by Professor Chris Sangwin (one of the co-applicants). Given the need to re-implement the test in this new system, now is the perfect opportunity to evaluate the performance of the existing test and make improvements. A particular aim will be to maximise the formative impact of the test, by providing more detailed feedback to students along with supporting study material. This will be informed by an analysis of key concepts and skills in school curricula and their use in our Year 1 syllabus.

The proposal is to recruit undergraduate students to work on this project over Summer 2017 (developing the new test) and Summer 2018 (evaluating the new test).

Final project report

Download the final project report (PDF)