Implementing lessons learned on embedded study skills provision

Implementing lessons learned on embedded study skills provision for first year undergraduate students of Politics & International Relations

Team Members:  Carmen Gebhard, Julie Kaarbo, Luba Zatsepina


Background: This project builds on the outcomes of a previous PTAS-supported project that looked into the effects of embedded study skills provision on student attainment (led by Dr Philip Cook, in collaboration with Dr Carmen Gebhard and Prof Andy Thompson of the Politics and International Relations Subject Area). 

Aims: The aim of the project is to translate the research findings of the former project into practice and to amend and modify the existing provision in line with the insights provided by the lead project.  This project is part of a long-standing ambition of the Politics and International Subject Area to develop and improve the way students receive subject-area specific study skills training as part of their core courses in year one of their undergraduate study.  The focus on embedded skills training is informed by previous steps towards developing effective provision in this area.  Past trials included an attempt at School-wide provision (in the form of non-credit bearing “Fundamentals” course) which however did not seem to suit students’ needs in what is usually a particularly large and diverse cohort. 

This project aims to pull together insights from these various steps in the process to move first year UG provision in the Subject Area closer towards an established model that can be continued and perfected in future years.

Final project report

Download the final project report (PDF)