EdWeb, the University's content management system (CMS), enables us to meet ever-evolving trends in technology and user behaviour.
Looking for a new EdWeb site?
What you need to do if you’d like to create a new EdWeb site, or want to move a site into EdWeb.
EdWeb distribution
The EdWeb distribution is a fully functional copy of the EdWeb Central Content Management System (CMS), but allows developers a more flexible approach.
EdWeb Change Advisory Board
The purpose of the EdWeb Change Advisory Board and how to make a change request.
The Edinburgh Global Experience Language (EdGEL) is a set of best practice guidelines, explicit style guides and tools that describe design principles to support the University brand.
Demonstrating EdWeb
A site to demonstrate and give good practice advice on the functionality of EdWeb.
New EdWeb site form
Fill in this form if you’d like a new site in EdWeb.