Information Services

Media in Learn

Learn allows for a variety of rich media assets to be uploaded to a course or embedded from external sources such as Media Hopper.

Audio and Video

Media Hopper Create

The Media Hopper service is the recommended service to use for hosting your video and audio resources. Materials that are stored in Media Hopper can easily be linked to your course pages in a variety of ways. Media Hopper has built-in integration with Learn allowing you to quickly access your videos directly from the course, allowing you to insert media into your course materials, or allowing you to create a gallery of videos that are relevant to the course.

Full information is available from the Media Hopper Create support pages

Media Hopper Replay

Media Hopper Replay is the University’s centrally supported lecture recording service.

The service provides students with video recordings of lectures that they can watch again anytime and anywhere. Students can review material and catch up on points they may have missed to deepen learning and understanding, support exam preparation, or prepare for lessons. Lecture recording is a supplemental resource and extends the rich collection of online materials already provided by library resources and virtual learning environments (VLE) courses. Lecture recording is an enhancement resource and not a replacement for attendance at lectures and not every lecture will be recorded.

Academic colleagues can use MediaHopper Replay to record teaching sessions and publish the recordings for students to access safely and securely via Learn.

Full information is available from the Media Hopper Replay support pages

How do I create an adhoc Lecture Recording using Media Hopper Replay?

To create an adhoc recording access the course > select the Meia Hopper Replay course link > Media Hopper Replay wlll launch in a new tab > select 'Start Capture > complete the required details > select Start.

Click here to watch a video guide on how to create an adhoc recording

More information can be found on the Media Hopper Replay Webpages.

If you use a template, Lecture Recordings may already be set up for you and you may just need to unhide the tool in your course site.

There is guidance on how to hide/unhide the lecturing recordings tool in your course site.


Blackboard Help | Adding Images

Images are a popular way of adding additional context into your course information as well as adding an attractive element to the pages. Learn supports most image types and can be added to your course in a variety of ways and sizes.  Remember to provide alternative text for any images you upload - these are essential for people who use screen readers.

File sizes

Images will often have much larger file sizes than other files and can have an impact on how quickly your course page loads. There are steps you can take to ensure that file sizes to not grow too big. If you need to upload an image that is larger than 1000 pixels wide then we would recommend offering a separate download link to the full hi-res version of the image and use a smaller thumbnail image to be displayed on the screen.

You can resize images in a variety of ways using an image editor that you are comfortable with.


If you are using images that have come from third-party sources it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate permission to use the image. Most reputable webpages that are commonly used for sourcing images will normally give an indication what license the image will be available on. You may be required to attribute the image, or you may need to request explicit permission to use the image in your teaching.

Further information is available via:

Multimedia Content Packages

Many courses have found or created multimedia packages in a variety of formats including Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, and other web publishing formats. These content types usually contain multiple files that represent the content, navigations structure, and additional media.

Add as web resources

It is best to upload these into an Institution Content Collection rather than as a course files as these materials are unlikely to change year to year, and can be large in size.

If you have a space in the Institution Content Collection, or other web hosting option for the files you can choose to add the resources as simple web links to the materials. If you are using a content collection within Learn it is best to set the permissions of the parent directory for the materials to be accessible to the "public". By setting the file permissions to public you can continue to use the materials outside without the Learn authentication preventing access to the materials. If you would like to continue to have some form of access control on the media, it may be suitable to permit students/staff in your School/unit to be able to view materials as read-only users.

SCORM Packages

Many multimedia content packages that are used in education can be packaged using a standard called SCORM. This standardised format multimedia packages to be uploaded to a VLE, and allows for some usage and completion data to be returned. The type of data that is returned may include who has accessed the materials, pathways taken, and scores from interactive elements.

Learn has the ability to upload SCORM packages into your courses. These materials will be located within your Course Content Collection, and any information returned will be available in the GradeCentre.