Information Services

Learn User Group

Find out more about the work of the Learn User Group (LUG), including how to help us shape Learn for the future and share your practice with the University community.

What is the Learn User Group?

School based Learning Technologist and/or key stakeholders are members of the Learn User Group (LUG). The aim of the group is to provide feedback on how staff and students use the tools, and to offer a community where we can share our experiences of using Learn. LUG members are School representatives that are tasked with representing School level interests\concerns\questions regarding  Learn. They are consulted on numerous aspects of the service (issues, upgrades, beta testing etc.) and have direct contact to Learn support staff. 

The LUG meets monthly to discuss various subjects relating to Learn.

Please speak to your School-based learning technologist and/or power user for further information.

Should I join the LUG?

The LUG is for key stakeholders that can represent School level interests. LUG members may also have an escalated role within Learn (School Learn Support) and have an advanced knowledge of the service. If you would like to join the LUG please speak to the IS Helpline.