Accessing and using the Online Surveys tool
How to have an Online Surveys account set up, the basics of creating a survey, and links to help and support.
Update from V2 to V3 JISC Online Survey Tool JISC will no longer support the creation of new surveys in Online Surveys version two (V2). All active user accounts will be migrated over to version three (V3). V2 will be decommissioned Wednesday 31 July 2024. It is important that you transition to Online Surveys version three (v3) to avoid any disruption in service and to take advantage of the enhanced features before this date. JISC will not be migrating any surveys from V2 to V3 only accounts will be migrated. Users will be able to export survey structures from V2 and import them to V3 before Wednesday 31 July 2024. Any response data that needs to be retained can be exported and saved outside of the application using the tools in the 'Analyse' area of each survey. Please see information below
There are currently two versions of Online Surveys - v2 and v3. All recipients of this email can use v3 right away, and we encourage you do so as soon as possible. |
JISC Migration FAQ (Link opens in a new window). |
Exporting survey structures (Link opens in new window). |
Applying for access
The Online Surveys access form should be completed by:
- Supervisors on behalf of students who are requiring access.
- University staff members who needs access themselves.
If you are a student, please ask your supervisor to complete this form:
Online Surveys - Access Request Form
Privacy Statement
The information you provide will be used by the University to provide access to the JISC Online Surveys tool. The University uses an external company to provide a system that will allow users to create, manage and analyse surveys. The University will use an external company to process information about you on the University’s behalf. The University remains responsible for the information and will ensure it is kept securely. We are using information about you because you have given us your consent.
Information about you will be shared with the vendor (JISC) who manage and maintain the service on Amazon Web Services with the EEA (ROI).
We will hold the personal data you provided us for the length of the contract with JISC which is ongoing. If the contract is terminated all data will be deleted 60 days after the termination date.
If you have any questions, please contact IS Helpline:
Data Protection responsibilities when using Online Surveys
Survey owners are responsible for any data collated and should review whether what type of data is needed including whether personal data will be collected. In particular, the Online Surveys tool has a feature called Survey Files. This may never be used for presenting personal data, since information shared via this mechanism will be publicly available.
Information regarding the types of data and the survey owners responsibilities regarding any data collected can be found via the University Data Protection webpages:
Information Services strongly advise that prior to any use of the Online Survey tool to collate data the following steps should be followed:
- Complete the ‘Information Security Essential’ and ‘Data Protection Training’ Courses. More info can be found here: Information Security Training
- Speak to local data champion for advice on the collation and storage of data: Data Protection Champions and Steering Group
- Privacy notice should be created for each survey, guidance can be found here: Privacy Notices