Security and privacy tips for using Teams
Information you should be aware of to keep your Teams secure and protect the privacy of your students.
If you decide to use Teams for teaching purposes, we would advise that all staff take reasonable steps to ensure that their sessions are secure. You should;
be mindful that anyone with a link may be able to access your Teams event.
- You should encourage all students and staff to login to Office365 or Teams before trying to enter your event. Anyone that is not logged in will enter to the waiting room as a Guest and it may not be possible to confirm who they are before you admit them to the meeting. Limiting or removing the need to admit Guests will mitigate this risk.
- Never share meeting links on public webpages or social media platforms.
- set up live events from the Team and invite the channel. This should ensure that all members of the channel are invited and reduce meetings links being sent to people incorrectly.
- be careful with where you store and share recordings. Be aware that Teams recordings will include personal information such as names and images of anyone who turned their camera on during the meeting.