Information Services

Replay Scheduler

Guidance for staff on how to use the Replay Scheduler

How to opt-out of lecture recording

A flyer has been produced which gives a simple overview of the process to opt-out of your lectures being recorded. Please click on the link below to view this.


Replay Scheduler: Guidance

The following guidance has been produced to guide you through use of the Replay Scheduler.

The application has been designed with ease of use in mind and should not prove to be an onerous task. The Guidance is broken down into sections taking you from the process of accessing the application through to opt-out for lectures and opt-in for seminars, workshops and tutorials, at the appropriate level, and how to access this support page from within the application.

The User Guide can be accessed at the link below:

We have also produced 2 Quick Reference Cards to help you use the features available in The Replay Scheduler. One is for Lecture activities and the other is for Non-Lecture (Seminars, Tutorials and Workshop) activities, please see below for links to them.