Information Services

Report inappropriate media content

This page provides information on what to do if you want to make a complaints about content in Media Hopper Create.

How to make a complaint about content

If you believe content on the University’s Media Hopper Create service ( is unlawful or otherwise in breach of the Terms of Use, you should contact the University’s Information Services (IS).  You can do this by emailing and you should provide the following information:

  • Your contact details (name, email address, username if applicable);
  • A description of the content, and why you consider it to be unacceptable;
  • Please include the internet location of the content in enough detail to allow the University to locate it. 
  • A statement that your complaint is accurate and in good faith.

On receipt of your complaint

On receipt of your complaint, the Service Operations Manager for the service will: 

  • Acknowledge receipt of the complaint by email
  • Make an initial assessment of its validity.  This may involve consultation with relevant staff.  For instance, the Service Operations Manager would consult with the relevant academic member of staff in the case of an assessed student video
  • Temporarily remove the content that is subject to complaint, unless the complaint is deemed spurious or the content is clearly acceptable
  • Seek to verify your identity
  • Notify the post author of the substance of the complaint and give them an opportunity to respond
  • If necessary, refer the complaint to the Head of the School within the University that is responsible for the media asset concerned, or refer to the University's Legal Advisor or senior management for comment and advice

The University will as far as possible try to resolve the issue quickly, amicably and to the satisfaction of all parties.  The possible outcomes will be one of the following:

  • Reinstatement of the content in full
  • Reinstatement of the content with appropriate amendments
  • Permanent removal of the content by the University

The IS Service Owner will notify you and also the posting user and the channel owner(s) of the final outcome.